Showing sad stories for tag "family"



13 Aug, 2015 11:36 PM

A TRUE STORY OF MY BEST FRIEND... When I think about love, the first think comes to my mind is GOD. GOD loves us some much, his creation is so perfect, so that we can do any work by ourselves. Till now, we reached from the bed of Oceans to the end of our solar system in space to learn and gain more and more knowledge. GOD is so powerful, without almighty we can’t lead our daily life, we all see GOD everyday but we never realize that anytime, this world is a gift of GOD, to share with each one of us. So ultimately, all religions in this world are meant to lover each other but that seems to be not happening. We, humans are so abhor to each other, they can’t understand the meaning of life and the words of religions. Even sometime GOD seems to be blind.... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, True Love, Trust, Tragedy, Wife, Regret, Cheated, Real, Love Story, Loneliness, Love Hurts, Crying
Votes: -103

Broken Dreams

Wilhuff Tarkin

20 Dec, 2017 08:27 AM

On the new Petition by Henry Walsh. I was one of the first 40 signatures, I advertised this petition on all social media I could from Facebook to Gab and YouTube to Twitter. Etc. I was surprised that while of course fans are divided on the Disney take of star wars, never did I think I would have my life threatened over the franchise. Henry Walsh also has been threatened, that people would hack his email, that they would attack him. I have been told I would suffer if I kept going through with this petition and kept posting it. In 1977 George Lucas strived to make a movie that nobody wanted to be a part of, it was difficult and he was told to change it and put all his money and time into it. He created history and made a huge change to cinema everywhere and the future... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Struggle, Story, Sad, Sad Story, Hate, Dreams, Dream, Love
Votes: 5

The "Happy Mask"


03 Sep, 2015 10:16 AM

Having everything yet feeling empty is quite a weird feeling. Smiling to others when you feel like you want to cry and just die just eats you up. Saying your 'fine' when really you're not is more than just a lie, it's a weapon that breaks you every time. Putting on a mask of a happy face on everyday and acting like a happy person is very tiring. Because you know that if you show your true face, you will be hated, you will be beaten up, and you'll be scolded and lectured. People will tell you "You have no right to be sad!", "You have no reason to be tired when you didn't even do a single thing!" The people around me just don't realize just how hard I work to play the role as the happy-go-lucky child. They never realized how much I've been hurt because of this... [Read More]

Tags: Freedom, Sad, Sadness, Family, Hurt, Pain, Mask, Happiness, Loneliness, Darkness, Salvation, Chain, Bound, Help
Votes: -1

Thanks For The Memories


21 Oct, 2011 02:04 PM

It was 8:oo pm as my father came in and said we were going out for a surprise. This was rare, after my mother passed away after she gave birth to me, my dad was always finding it hard to juggling with his work and looking after me, this is hard as i am dyslexic. My dad needs to get extra help for me as I'm starting high school I am 11. My father took my hand and escorted me to the car. This would be the last time i set foot in this car. It was getting dark and the rain was pelting on the car i sat back and looked out the window to figure out where we were going. I was in the passenger's seat and my dad was driving. It was so cold outside that the car windows started to freeze. We were coming out of... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Pain, Sad, Memories, Family
Votes: 76

True love


17 Jan, 2013 08:47 PM

She pulled her sleeve down and looked into the mirror. She asked herself, "Why me, why did he have to choose me?" She walked to her bedroom and laid on her bed silent and still. She pulled her sleeve up again and ran her finger up and down the bloody newly made cuts on her arm. She found her blade, pulled up her shirt, and started cutting her slim stomach from her ribs and down to her waist. Blood poured out of her. Just then her mom came into her room, because she had heard her crying, she walked over to her bleeding daughter asking, "What the hell did you do?!" She replied, "I...I cut myself, be...because I was... Uh raped..." Her mom slapped her until she was out of breath. She walked it of the room with anger in her eyes. She came back into the room with a... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Family, Mother, Abuse, Murder, Love, Boyfriend, Rape, Sad
Votes: 18

Love Of A Mother

Vina Angeline Waruwu

09 Dec, 2011 12:10 AM

The road has been hobbled, because she was already more than 70 years, so if she had any choice at all, she is rarely able and willing to leave the house. Although she had a daughter, she was staying in a nursing home, because her presence is not desired. Still remembered by her, when the father of the child ran away after being her pregnant without going to take responsibility for his actions. In addition, the family demanded that she abort the unborn child, because his family was ashamed to have a daughter who was pregnant before marriage, but she still defended it, and therefore she was expelled from her parents' home. In addition to the shame that should be on the responsibility, she had to work hard at the factory to finance her life. When she gave birth to her daughter, no one was with her. She does not... [Read More]

Tags: Mother, Family, Death, Love, Daughter, Unloved, Hurt, Sad, Tears
Votes: 12

Why I could not cry

Pierce Bonds

10 Jul, 2013 03:38 AM

The night was cold. It had just stopped raining and the streets glimmered as the moonlight and stars reflected on them. I was standing on the curb of the sidewalk under a streetlight. I had my white umbrella balanced under my palm. I check my watch. It was growing late but I didn't want to go home. I don't know why I had stopped there; on that very spot. So, I headed home. I entered the house and the strong tension hit me like a wave. I could hear my mother and my stepfather fighting in the kitchen. It wasn't their first fight. My little brother was sitting in the living room, staring at the TV with a dark screen. I asked him what was going on but he never responded. I sat next to him and he immediately wrapped him arms around me. Everything happened so fast. Mother made... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Angry, Family, Alone, Hopelss, Heartbroken, Brother, Love, Night, Rain, Cry, Tears
Votes: 4

Noah drowning


22 Jun, 2015 08:57 PM

These events happened when I was 15 and 16 so some events aren't as detailed as I would have liked them to be but I've tried to recall the events as best I could , thank you for taking the time to read this I truly appreciate it , even if you don't it feels better already writing it down. At the start of March 2013 my mum got a phone call from the army base , that means either two things . One my dad had died or two was seriously injured and was being sent back.He was stationed in Iraq and had served in the army for 15 years. So he was head commander in ground combat.Well it wasn't good news it was basically both of the two options. He had been shot four times by an enemy group on ground and was in critical condition , and... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Family, Friends, Friendship, Despair, Suicide, Shooting, Gang, Army, Love
Votes: -30

Dear Dad <3


13 Oct, 2011 07:24 PM

Dear Dad, I still remember that dark night. Your sister or my aunt was here to visit you. She came with your crippled step mom and her husband who loved you as a brother so much. They were laughing about stories until there was a screech of police cars outside. The Vibrant colors of red and blue filled the house through the windows. I was only about to be seven so my mom told me to hide in the room. I was really nosy i know, so i pressed my ear to the door. My hair got in my eyes but i had a feeling of what i was going to hear was going to be really important so i ignored it. I heard my mom footsteps go down the main hall and the click of the door opening. She screamed. I stood up but i thought of her getting... [Read More]

Tags: Father, Dad, Love, Family, Death, Missing
Votes: 20

The love of a father


17 Jan, 2013 08:43 PM

She slowly pushed the blade in to her arm and pulled it down her, feeling the sting, feeling the sense of freedom from everything that had been in her head. There was the singular sharp, sweet sting as the blade sliced her skin. Not to deep but deep enough to make herself bleed, she whispered to herself, "It's just one cut. I'll be ok, just no more." She put the blade down and wiped the blood from the cut she had just made. She looked back down at the blade. "I need more," she thought. She picked the blade up and put it to her arm and made one more, and another and another. After she realized what she had done and how full her arm was of cuts. She cried and started wiping the blood from her arm. "Why did I do this to myself." She looked down at... [Read More]

Tags: Abuse, Love, Father, Family, Self Harm, Suicide, Death, Cutting, Depression
Votes: 7