Love Or Pain
27 Aug, 2012 07:29 AMAll the time I think of you, but the thoughts remain in me... They provide a crimson hue, to almost everything I see... Why can't you ever be mine, when I'm yours completely? But my soul is not so divine, that you hate me eternally... I lost all the good traits, that you once adored in me... I got driven by the fate's illusion to be free... I long to just see you, and never let you down... my love for you is true, but for you, I'm just a clown... With all the world I fight, and claim that you are mine... That's just a dream's sight, then reality does shine... That fight was just in vain, I don't at all deserve you... I'll get you but if you get pain, that would be a huge sin to do... I can't force myself on you, and act what my real thoughts are... I shall be more than glad to, see you as a bright and distant star...
1 Post a Comment
Post a Comment04 Mar, 2013 02:53 AM
I like it :) Lots of ellipses though...