Showing sad stories for tag "rape"

True love


17 Jan, 2013 08:47 PM

She pulled her sleeve down and looked into the mirror. She asked herself, "Why me, why did he have to choose me?" She walked to her bedroom and laid on her bed silent and still. She pulled her sleeve up again and ran her finger up and down the bloody newly made cuts on her arm. She found her blade, pulled up her shirt, and started cutting her slim stomach from her ribs and down to her waist. Blood poured out of her. Just then her mom came into her room, because she had heard her crying, she walked over to her bleeding daughter asking, "What the hell did you do?!" She replied, "I...I cut myself, be...because I was... Uh raped..." Her mom slapped her until she was out of breath. She walked it of the room with anger in her eyes. She came back into the room with a... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Family, Mother, Abuse, Murder, Love, Boyfriend, Rape, Sad
Votes: 18

A bestfriend going through a hard time


19 Oct, 2012 06:46 PM

Okay, my story starts when I was in 5th grade (now I'm in 11th) anyway, I made lots of new friends, which I was in resource. Though I made great friends and still have them. My first day of school I was terrified! I mean it was scary for me, I literally was crying. well anyway me and this girl became friends, her name was April. She became my best friend. She was funny, cool and a little crazy. April was the best friend I could ever ask for. She was a year older than me but we were in the same grade, we were in all the same classes all the way up to 9th and even then we had a few classes together. We always hung out and always acted crazy in the halls:) we acted like we owned the we weren't popular, but we did have... [Read More]

Tags: Bestfriend, Friendship, Sisters, Death, Pain, Hurt, Comfort, Rape, Sad, Girl, Sadness
Votes: 12

The sweet relief


27 May, 2012 04:59 PM

Hello my name is Andrew, and this my story. When I was a child grew up in a loveless household, my parents used to beat me and I didn't have any siblings to comfort me. My childhood back then was agonizing, but now it just seems like a big blur... except for my junior and senior year in high school. That's when I met Luaren. She was so beautiful, but no one knew her because she was so shy. I always stared at her from a far and sometimes she would catch me staring and just give a little smile. But I still knew that someone like me didn't deserve her. Someone like me didn't deserve any woman. Someone like me didn't deserve love. But no matter what through junior year I kept on wishing if I could be with her but never having the confidence to even talk to... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Pain, Lonely, Love, Heartbreak, Rape
Votes: 28

A story of a broken girl


03 Jan, 2018 10:34 PM

It started at a young age when she knew something was wrong with her. It was hard in the beginning the way he looked at her the way he touched her.Everything seemed to fade into black as she tasted the salty tears that fell from her eyes.She was scared at first that first time changed her. It's like living in a dark whole in your mind you don't want to be you anymore you want to hide in the tears that fall from your eyes you want to run but there's never a place to hide. So you sit there and fade into the eyes of the monster as he takes your screams as a invite to invaid your soul. Your cries go unheard your words go unspoken as you lay and watch every hope and dream go out the room. You look in the mirror at this broken girl... [Read More]

Tags: Rape, Hate, Depression, Death, Sad, Self Harm, Blood
Votes: 16

The Dark Burning


30 May, 2011 03:23 PM

I was walking home in the dark, alone... It was a stupid idea really, the snow storm had gotten worse and the roads were sheet ice; no cars would dare consider driving on them. I was almost to the crossing when i felt the tingling sensation of someone behind me, someone watching me... It turns out it wasn't just one person though. It was 10. 10 boys who had seen a young girl walking home alone in the dark, with out any witness' to get in the way. They came up behind me, and in that moment i just reacted, chucking my bag to them and yelling "Just take the money, take the phone i don't care!" I had used every ounce of my energy to screech that out, as if someone would hear me over the roar of the snow.No one did. No one knew, no one heard and... [Read More]

Tags: Gang Rape, Alone, Disturbed, Death, Rape
Votes: 25

High School Hell


18 Feb, 2012 02:18 PM

I don't really know where to start, or how. Perhaps it could all go back to my childhood. Don't get me wrong, my parents were good parents. It's just never once in my life have they said "I love you". I've never been hugged by them nor given any attention. This may be due to the fact of having a large family. However, ever since birth I have felt alone. And that scares me. In elementary school, I had no friends. This was due to my horrible speech problems. People made fun of me for the way I talked, so I didn't talk. This went on for years. Years of never having a friend to walk with. Or even a single person to talk to. Then came middle school. I wasn't bullied, I was tormented. My speech impediment was no longer there, so I'm still not sure why. But they... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Depression, Drugs, Rape, Sad, Accident
Votes: 13

Broken hearts and Stitches.


28 Nov, 2012 05:20 PM

Hello, this is my story. While growing up my mom was never around she was always working, I had no idea who my father was. He and my mom separated before I was born. I grew up with my 2 brothers, being bullied all the time my them. They always gave me demands and if I chose not to listen they'd hit me. This continued on for quite a while. I was always that girl who was by herself all the time. I used to watch all the other girls play with their friends and I thought to myself "why don't people like me?" A second grader should not be thinking about those kind of things. My mom always told me the most hateful things, things I can never forget. I used to sit there and cry for hours cause I was so miserable and my mom would tell me... [Read More]

Tags: Suicidal, Drugs, Lonely, True Story, Bullied, Rape, Broken, Sad
Votes: 12

Broken Hearted

Alaina Lester

09 Aug, 2012 09:51 PM

I met you on Halloween night. We had never talked before, but at that moment we talked forever. While walking down the hallways you would grab me and give me a hug, in the library you would tease me about being a nerd. A week had passed and you had asked me out and I said yes and my feelings kept growing and growing. No matter how I felt, you would help me. A month together and it felt like forever. You would hold my hand and be proud to call me your girl. We spent everyday of those first two months together, then we broke up. We stayed friends and talked forever and ever on the phone. You had gotten a new girl and it broke my heart. We stopped talking because of her. I got a new guy to see if the pain would fade. It never did.... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Betrayal, Sad, Cut, Girl, Broken, Lost, Depressed, Rape
Votes: 33

Numbing the pain only lasts so long...


01 Oct, 2010 04:05 AM

I had the perfect child hood. I was born out of love. I wasnt a mistake, I wasn't a lack of birth control or a broken condom. My mum couldn't get pregnant. She wanted a child so she took IVF, and it didn't work the first time. My dad wanted a child more than my mum. I was born knowing my parents loved me. That I really was wanted. I grew up with my sisters in the most beautiful house, I was never spoiled and they raised me well. I had a good childhood, but I hurt myself a lot. I was clumsy and my parents started shouting at me and my dad would hit my leg when I did something wrong. I'm not sure when, but they slowly started losing all faith in me. I became nothing but a burden in their eyes. So, the real story starts just... [Read More]

Tags: Rape, Pain, Tears, Broken, Love, Helpless
Votes: 42


Toby Carmen

02 Apr, 2013 07:10 PM

First let me say this. This story I'm sharing with you is what I went through. I remember it so well, I sometimes have nightmares about it, but I get through it. I feel as if it helps me when I share it, so here I am, sharing it with you. It's been about a year now since this happened. So, please, don't worry about it now. Yes, it still keeps a burden on me, but not as much as it used to. I first met Adam when I went to my high school. I was a sophomore. We had met through a friend, in which we became friends, but it soon turned into a gigantic crush for me. I had told my friend that I thought I was falling for him, but I wasn't gay at that time. I wasn't sure if it was okay for me. About a... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Victim, Hurt, Rape, Alone, Betrayed, Gay
Votes: 8