Showing sad stories for tag "SUICIDE"

I Tried


03 Nov, 2016 01:48 PM

I sit, trying to work on homework as my boyfriend puts his hands all over me. I don't like it. No. I hate it. But I can't say no. I wish I could, I try, but because.....of what happened,I can't say no. I can't say the word. I try, but I can't break up with him. I am shackled to him through chains of repression and stupidity. The class ends, and I haven't gotten anything done. I tried, but I can't concentrate, when I'm being violated....I can't really concentrate at all. I try, but I can't. I think I might have ADD. According to my research, I have many symptoms of ADD. My friends call me spacey sometimes. They get annoyed when I can't listen to them when they talk to me. I think I should tell my parents about my concerns. Well, I tried, but they dismissed it. My... [Read More]

Tags: Failure, Suicide
Votes: 10



28 Oct, 2016 05:17 AM

This is well... a story of myself i usually do myself as a dragon cause thats how i escape... i mix my fantasy into my real life... but this time... im not going to... Most of this started back when i was admitted at the hospital, recently diagnosed with extreme depression and severe social anxiety. May 20, 2016 i was brought into emergency for self harm. After a few hours of waiting the doctor took us to the psych ward... or "psych emerg" security guards nearby as well, they were friendly yes very friendly. Another few hours pass and its clear im going to be staying here so im all excited thinking that its all going to be a joy ride. I have my phone so what could go wrong, the only one who kept me sane in that small room was my boyfriend we dont live in the same... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Suffering, Sadness, Crying, Self Harm, Breakup, True Story, True Love
Votes: 31

My Life


19 Sep, 2016 12:24 PM

Hi. This is my first story. First of all, this is a true story and a short story as well. This is about my best friend,Kayla. She was a clever girl in our high school. She always get number 1 in class. She was very very beautiful. She was very popular in our high school back then. Every teachers like her because of her good achievement both in academic and sport. Every girls was envy at her because she took all the boys attention just by looking at her. She was the only daughter in her family. Her life was too perfect, until a new transfer student was transferred into our high school. Her name is Anne. She is a shy, clever and beautiful girl that can only beat Kayla in our high school. Anne becomes her rival. In silence, Kayla hates her so much. As her best friend, i... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Depressed, Death, Life, True Story, Friends
Votes: 37

The Worthless Gem

Sonikku The Nerd

30 May, 2016 03:37 AM

(I'm a guy so just imagine that is is happening in a Steven Universe episode but this actually happened) It all started a long time ago in a school at HomeWorld. The gem named Ruby (me but not my real name) entered the first period classroom. He was a shy gem and rather wanted to work alone. His usual seat was the back corner of the classroom, which was kinda sad for everyone, but they didn't seem to care at all. Ruby was getting ready for class to start until he met...the most beautiful gem (person) he has ever seen!! She sat at the front of the room, which was kinda of a bummer for Ruby since he sat at the back. But he noticed that the new gem was a nerd too!!! Just like him!!! He would say to himself that at Lunch, he will talk to the new... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Depression, Sadness, Sad Love Story, Suicide
Votes: 7

My collection of sadness.


30 Mar, 2016 06:24 PM

It’s time again to ponder about what zyan is feeling again. To be honest I’m holding back the tears that express how I’m feeling right now. I’m sad, depressed, lost, confused, and scared. This talk of cece and I breaking up and her moving on right away to some other person hurts. That’s how you know that your relationship is poor and going down hill. I’m hurting everyday because of this feeling. I don’t want this feeling. It hurts so much and I hold onto it like I’m holding a knife and pressing up against my skin waiting for the time until I crack down and decide to finally cut myself and bleed out. I want love and compassion from my partner and when it feels like you're the only one contributing to the relationship it hurts. You’re confused whether she’s interested in you still or not. There are many... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Sad, Suicide, Suffering, Story, Secret, Hurt, Heartbroken, Hopeless
Votes: 8

What just happened?


24 Mar, 2016 07:30 AM

Anika. My best friend. My BFF! What she did could be forgotten but not easily. She betrayed me and everything I stand for. I don't understand, what did I do?? Did I hurt her somehow so she felt the need to do what she did?? I don't understand... It was about two years ago that I met Anika. We became instant friends. Similar taste in music, similar opinions, similar style and just similarity in everything, but we never got bored of each other. We told each other everything, even super gross stuff that we did. I trusted her with my life, I think she felt the same. One day, at our hell hole of a school, we notice something immediately. A new kid. HE was gorgeous. We looked at each other and ran over to him introducing ourselves. His name was Travis, he also had similar music taste as us... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbreak, Betrayal, Bestfriend, Suicide
Votes: 25

Unexpected Ending

Clary Barns

16 Dec, 2015 11:18 PM

The rain was dripping down the car window. Sam was tracing patterns with his finger getting lost in his thoughts. Sam is 14 years old and lives in Springfield, Oregon. He has Brown hair, Blue eyes, And a lean petite figure. He has a 7 year old brother named Jacob. Sam is usually depressed. He feels as if no one see's him, as if he is the only one who understands. He can't usually explain his feelings, so instead he takes it out in a different way... by bleeding. "We're almost home" his mother announced. His mom has Brown hair and hazel eyes. "Yay" Sam's brother giggled. "Daddy can we play base ball when we get home?" Jacob asked. "Sure, why not. Do you want to join?" he asked Sam. "No thanks dad, you know I don't like sports" Sam said. "Okay" his father sighed. Sam and his family just... [Read More]

Tags: Pain, Emptiness, Depression, Sadness, Lost, Suicide
Votes: 44

My Life


20 Oct, 2015 08:10 PM

I wrote a story a while ago also called "My Life". This story is the full story that answers a lot of questions. This story is the truth and only the truth, I warn you now this story is full of the worst of this planet. I was born may 22, 1999. My mother Cristina could not take of me, so she put me through foster homes, until the Torrens family decided to adopt me when I was 4. They were about to adopt me when Daren Torrens shot himself in front of me. I was then put back in the foster homes and then I was adopted by the Torrens when I was 5. Kelly, my stepmom, didn't talk and avoided me. When I was 8 Jeremy Capello married Kelly. He was 6 foot 7 inches and played basketball. He locked me in the bathroom and only let me... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Abuse, Heartbreak, Love
Votes: -46

I'm sorry I left you

Jillian L

15 Oct, 2015 07:43 PM

I was 14 when this happened. I was on Facebook one day and I was going through my friend requests so I requested to be this guy names Steven to be my friend. A few days later he accepted it. We started messaging and getting to know each other. After about a month we exchanged phone numbers and emails. I grew on him and he grew on me. We started to show how much we like each other. One day he asked me on Facebook if I had Skype and so I gave him my skype. That night we were on skype for 3 hours. We talked about music and I met his brother. He later asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. Like all girls do when they really like someone I said yes. We were together for about a month. Then out of no where he messages... [Read More]

Tags: Breakup, Heartbroken, Missing You, Love, Suicide, Missing
Votes: -141

Friendships Last Forever


14 Sep, 2015 03:11 AM

It was karate that night, and I enjoy doing it every Thursday. I met a new student that night, however. The moment we said our first "hello," to each other, we knew we would be friends. Possibly for life, and beyond. I feared my parents would never accept him, however, so we decided to keep our friendship a secret from my parents. We got along very well, and we hung out a few times at his place. I had a cover for it, though, so my parents never suspected a thing. We became the best of friends, and nothing could break our bond together. But one day, me and my friend went out drinking with a few more of our buds. I was a smart kid, so I knew that I shouldn't drink too much, or I would get a really bad hangover the next day. It wasn't very tasty... [Read More]

Tags: Sickness, Sadness, Suicide, Friends, Forever, Secrets, Drinking, Death
Votes: -72