Showing sad poems for tag "love"

The One

Khaled Mohamad

28 Jan, 2012 01:24 PM
Life's never really the same,
Once you've found the one,
To my life she brings joy,
She brings hope, she brings fun.

I remember it so clearly,
When I was merely eleven,
How she stepped into my life,
From then on life was heaven.

She looked at me with much hope
She slowly gazed with her eyes,
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Tags: Love, Sad, Pain, Death, Depression, Girl, Heartbroken, Suffering, Tears, Unspoken Love, Sadness
Votes: 9


neil pathrick aman

28 Oct, 2012 07:19 AM
I would have given up my life for you.
I guess it's true what they say about love being blind.
Girl I lost you in deep space in my mind.
And believed on you because 
I have loved you more than a lie.

And all you had to do was apologize.

Sadness had me at the end of the line.
Helplessness would just break this heart of mine.
Loneliness only want's you back here with me.
'Commonsense' Knows that your not good enough for me.
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Tags: Hurt, Loneliness, Pain, Love, Sad, Heartbroken, Unloved, Sadness
Votes: 8

Dirty Love Affair


31 Oct, 2012 02:03 PM
My tears feel like acid 
as they fall form my eyes, 
burning up my face, 
damn I'm torn apart inside. 

Why'd he have to be the one 
to stab and turn the knife?
I let him have my heart, 
he said he'd keep it safe, 

but instead he turned his head 
and left and walked away.
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Tags: Heartbroken, Love, Unloved, Hurt, Broken, Pain, Sad, Sadness
Votes: 3

Six Weeks


25 Nov, 2012 01:35 AM
Why did you leave her, 
that girl you once knew?
The one who said she would always love you.

Remember that girl who had eyes so big, 
bright, and blue?
Well now they’re just filled 
with tear residue.

Today marks six weeks, 
since the day you said goodbye.
Over a fucking text message, right?
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Tags: Breakup, Heartbroken, Sadness, Lost Love, Anger, Pain, Confused, Love, Memories
Votes: 2

Tainted Lies


22 Oct, 2012 07:40 AM
You said you loved me and that
You promised to always be there for me
And tho I believed to the lying fact
I still cared for you I said I'll always be

But as that faithful day my sun just died
My sky's darken gray filled black with lies
Why did you have to go ?
What did I do for you to hate me so?

Like Gemini you were my twin
The one I cares for ans always did
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Tags: Sad, Hurt, Love, Lies, Sorrow, Unloved, Hate, Heartbroken
Votes: 2



10 Dec, 2012 02:46 AM
My heart is broken,
It's been shattered to pieces,
And you don't give damn,
Because you're the one who broke it.

I loved you,
And you loved me too.
Or so I thought,
I fought back the tears,

My fears, 
Appear when I'm alone,
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Tags: Forgiveness, Broken, Love, Hurt, Sad, Pain, Suffering
Votes: 1



30 Oct, 2012 03:19 AM
I have trusted you more than I wanted to,
I thought your would stay 
but in the end you were just passing through.

I have lend you my trust,
but in the very end you covered it with dust.
There was so many lies that I believed,
but apparently I was stupid enough to be deceived. 

You've hurt me in so many ways, 
and I tried to heal myself in so many days.
I wish you had taken care of my trust,
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Tags: Pain, Love, Sad, Unloved, Betrayed, Hurt, Sadness
Votes: 1

Confessions Of A Broken Heart

neil pathrick aman

28 Oct, 2012 07:16 AM
Pain... Tension... Fatigue...Depression...
Anger, Aggression, Frustration.
All these unwanted sensations -
Burning, hurting, tearing.

My heart alone, cold and fearing.
Why won't you let me sleep, 
let me rest, Let me forget
To eradicate, eliminate, destroy all my regrets? 

These memories inside, swirling, twirling, 
unwilling to reside in the corner of my mind.
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Tags: Pain, Lost, Depressed, Sad, Hurt, Love, Heartbroken
Votes: 3

First Love

Nathaniel Hawthorne

13 Sep, 2009 08:59 AM

She seemed to bob
on her sister's
matted silver bike
I watched for,
not yet able to reach
the high seat,
working her way
up car-free Penn Street,
and I would make as if
I hadn't seen her
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Tags: Lost Love, Missing, Love
Votes: 4


Darkness fever

28 Apr, 2016 07:25 PM
the skies shall mourn,
for they're masters of disguise - 
But no poet's hand can paint
the shades of blue,
dwelling in your eyes.
The spring shall rejoice,
and the winter will scorn 
Just like the sun; for it ever plays
with my forlorn - 
honeyed kisses of it's rays.
So if the stars are meant to glisten 
and if the winds are destined to cry
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Tags: Loneliness, Love, Sadness, Sad Love, Breakup, Anger, Grief, Goodbye, Broken Heart, Broken, Alone, Sorrow, Silenc
Votes: 8