Showing sad stories for tag "cutting"

The Broken Girl


15 Aug, 2011 04:58 PM

Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was the worlds biggest hopeless romantic, and always dreamed of finding her soul mate. She had severe, horrible abandonment issues, because her father had abandoned her. Her father was leaving one day and looked her straight in the eye and told her that she was unlovable.That no one would ever, ever love her. She had fallen in love before, but there was one special boy. She risked EVERYTHING for him. She wasn't aloud to date him. Her stepfather beat her when he found out she loved him, because she was 14 and he was 17. But she still loved him enough to keep in contact, even though she feared what her step dad would do. He swore multiple times that he wouldn't leave, that he understood her constant fear of abandonment. He told her he loved her, he promised he wouldn't... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Abandonment, Love, Sadness, Cutting, Self, Mutilation, Loss
Votes: 26

The secret.


17 Jan, 2013 10:33 PM

I can’t handle it anymore! I whispered desperately out into the darkness of my room, and threw away my phone. I had been through so much during the last days, this was the last straw! I felt like I had been raped… I had tried to commit suicide earlier in the week, but I had called a friend that talked me from it, but now, that wasn’t enough anymore… Nothing could save me now… Nothing. I went over to the cabinet where I kept my clothes and pulled out a hidden drawer, despite being half blinded by tears I could still see what I was looking for, it was gleaming in the weak light in my room. I picked it up and tried to see my reflection in it… My pride, my blood stained pride. A big Sami knife was resting in my hands, its blade covered in dried blood.... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, Lost, Lost Love, Broken, Suicide, Suffering, Pain, Secret, Cutting
Votes: 2

My Life Story

Zak Keller

28 Jan, 2013 05:21 PM

My life never was too good or easy or what you have. When I was 4 years old I lived on long island, had friends that actually gave a crap about me. But it wasn't always sunshine, that was when I watched my mother be abused day after day. Then in less than a year me and my mom moved to Pennsylvania I was glad I never had to watch it again but I was so depressed coz I lost all my friends. I guess you can say I moved on but I still miss them. After we moved here I joined school, it was kindergarten and I was starting to make friends. I was happy, but I didn't notice how cruel I was being to kids who were my friends. I would bully them and now I feel horrible but there's nothing I can do you know? In first... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Cutting, Life, Hate, Bullying, Unloved, Family, Alone
Votes: 8

Sex & Drugs


04 Jun, 2013 05:49 PM

Silently, I walked in the pouring rain, towards that old abandoned bus station, running away from Daddy again. He was drunk again, and the sting from the smack across my face began to burn with every rain drop that spilled on it. My jaw ached and I could feel my sweater rubbing against my back, against the open wounds from Daddy's belt. He loved adding to the scars. He always had a fascination with making me cry. Then he'd spit on me, and laugh at me. "Crying is for the weak, stupid little bitch! Cry a river if you want. No one cares!" "Daddy, I'm sorry.. I love you.. Please, stop.." I would beg and plead for hours sometimes. That only edged him on more. I sat on the only bench that wasn't drenched in water and buried my head in my hands. I could still feel the burn from... [Read More]

Tags: Abuse, Alone, Cutting, Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Depression, Bipolar, Scared
Votes: -4

I just didn't know.


23 Sep, 2014 07:38 PM

I met her in second grade. She was cute and funny and nice and everything that a best friend could be. By the way if you're wondering, no I'm not a guy writing about a girl, I'm and girl writing about her best friend. We were in the same class and our teachers put us together for a project. And that's pretty much how we met. I have so many good memories with her. She was amazing. we grew older, and soon started middle school. She was becoming beautiful, and sometimes I was so jealous. She always got all the guys, and was probably the most perfect, most luckiest girl. In 8th grade, something changed. We weren't hanging out as much, and we got into small little fights. I thought it was just whatever. Soon enough we started high school. She started doing things I thought she'd never do. In... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Abuse, Cutting, Friendship, Old Friendship, Death, Loved One
Votes: 43


Euphoria Godsent

03 Jun, 2013 11:59 PM

There she sat, on the lid of the toilet bowl, with razor in hand. Her hair was tangled, undershirt torn, floral panties, and dirty socks on. She could see her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were rosy, cheeks striped with tracks from her mascara, her lips soaked with her tears. She felt like garbage. She let out a loud howl, and broke the mirror with her fists. Warm blood ran down her wrist like a river bend. She took the razor and dug into the inside of her thigh. The feeling was almost orgasmic. She cut again, forming an X mark and then an O. Yes, XO, for love. Someone knocked on the bathroom door, causing her to shudder. The door knob turned, and she shot up, blocking the door with her body. "Get away," she growled. "What are you doing in there? I gotta take a dump!" the... [Read More]

Tags: Cutting, Pervert, Depression, Sadness, Family, Lost, Unloved
Votes: 5

It Ended Before It Happened(TRUE)

Sadie Bay

31 Oct, 2012 06:41 AM

I was not a normal girl. I was different from other people. I dressed differently, was more developed,and had a different maturity level than most. But one day my friend Kayla and I decided to hangout at the local park(it was also a skate park). I was waiting for her to arrive when I notice 3 boys. They looked a couple of years older. I tried to ignore their staring eyes. I accidently dropped my phone out of my pocket when one of the boys walked up to me to return it. He politely tapped on my shoulder. I turned. It was the one with honey-blonde hair. His eyes were like the ocean. Deep and full of mystery. He grabbed my hand and I was speechless. He quickly let go after he set my phone in my palm. I then saw Kayla in the distance and ran to go talk... [Read More]

Tags: Lies, Friends, Mistakes, Unloved, Sad, Hurt, Cutting, True Story
Votes: 11

Young Betrayal


14 Dec, 2014 07:40 AM

This is a true story that has actually happened to me. *Disclaimer, this is pretty bizarre so while it's okay to have an opinion, please respect it. Thank you* There was this young girl who was working on towards her career meaning she was still in grade school and here was a man who has a job, kids, and financial stability. This was their story of buried love. They have seen each other for about 3-4 years about three times a week because they both attended the same church. They girl at the time was 13 when she first started while the man was 27. He had two beautiful darling daughters who attended with him that were aged 5 and 7. How much did the young girl loved them since she was a bible school teacher there. The man also worked with her too but little did they know that... [Read More]

Tags: Cutting, Cheated, Depression, Love, Pain, Alone, Waiting
Votes: 3

The Story of a Little Girl


04 May, 2015 06:16 AM

Once upon a time there was a little girl. That little girl had no father but regardless for the most part she was happy. The little girl's family consisted of herself, her mother and her older brother. Throughout the little girls childhood they moved around from one place to another always low on money. With the pay of a single mother the little girl's family found it hard to survive by themselves. When the little girl entered preschool, life was finally going as planned. The little girl's mom had found a good boyfriend and started going back to college. From there on everything started to turn around for the little girl and her family. The family settled down in a cozy house in a pleasant neighborhood and all seemed well. For that little girl life was peaceful and the only worries she had were simple. For years that simple and... [Read More]

Tags: Cancer, Depression, Cutting, Mother, Healing
Votes: 14

Wanna hurt me?


07 May, 2016 09:22 PM

It was about four years ago, I had been very interested in some boy. The years were really rough, since I had just moved schools, and I had lost a couple of my friends. The boy was not someone I was expected to like, since my parents had always said I couldn't love anyone with "obesity". This boy was my miracle, and I had fallen completely for him. I don't know why. He was not like any boy, I had sat next to him in class for this year. I thought my life was great, because even though my family practically hated me, I didn't let that get to me. I think I had fallen for him, more and more, I blushed when I talked to him, though I would hope he wouldn't see me. However at the same time I had good friends. Books always told me, if you... [Read More]

Tags: Fake Friends, Depression, Love, Cutting, Fake
Votes: 18