Showing sad stories for tag "cutting"

She's Broken .


02 May, 2013 10:28 AM

She's an innocent little girl named Natasha who grew up with no one and nothing. Her mother didn't have time for her or her sisters. Her mother had time for drugs and sex. She was 4 and she was confused. She asked God everyday why her mommy didn't love her. Natasha asks her mommy why she doesn't love her and her mother says "Because you're worthless! You're ugly and disgusting and you're not my kid!" Natasha just cries, she doesn't understand why her mother says the things that she says. She's cold, hungry and scared. Her mother never feeds her or her sisters. Instead her mother sits there and eats in front of them, making her and her sisters smell the food but if they try to eat it, they know they'll get beat,so they go to bed starving. Natasha stinks and is extremely dirty. Her mom didn't pay any... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Sadness, Broken, Sad Story, Pain, Painful, Hurt, Help, Hopeless, Alone, Crying, Confused, Cutting, Giving Up
Votes: 29

Worst feeling ever


14 Jul, 2012 05:26 PM

I fell in love with this guy, He's 21 and I'm 18. Every time we got together I fell more and more in love with him. We would text each other everyday. While I was on vacation in Oklahoma, that was when I started to fall for him. He was the only guy I felt completely safe with. In his arms, when he holds me I felt so content. When other boys would hug me, I never felt that way. He knew how to make me laugh and how to make me smile. we slept together, not in a sexual way. We just cuddled next to each other, and fell asleep. One day after I slept at his house. He was gonna go shopping with this girl AKA his best friend. He told me things like I would be the first girl he would take on a date, how I'm... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, True Story, Heartbroken, Pain, Breakup, Alone, Tears, Betrayal, Sorrow, Memories, Hope, Hurt, Depression, Un
Votes: 10

He broke me.... :'(


02 Oct, 2012 02:34 PM

So there was this new kid that moved here. He was kinda a bad kid. but once you got to know him. He was pretty cool. I thought I'd never have a chance with him.. then the summer after he moved here we were hanging out and he told me he liked me. We grew closer as time went by and he asked me out. of course I said yes, I had fallen in love with him the minute he moved here.... He has had a hard home life and one night we were laying there and he was telling me about his family and stuff that has happened and he started crying... It made me feel good that he could talk to me about these things. Because he couldn't talk to anyone else about them.. His dad was kind of abusive and his mom never really listened. I was... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Cutting, Selfharm, Love, Breakup, Alone, Depressed, Waiting, Sex, Heartbroken, Lost, True Story
Votes: 18

Dear dad,


18 Jun, 2012 11:09 AM

Yesterday was fathers day, I was on Facebook scrolling through endless pictures of all my friends with their fathers knowing I never had that and never would. why? Because you replaced me with your new wife and kids.Its been 1 full year and you still haven't called to tell me you got married. The whole family went but no one told me. No one called saying,Hey Clarissa your dad just got married. I had to find out from my cousin through facebook 3 months AFTER you got married! I haven't talked to you for the past 3 months because I choose not to. Do you know that I went to the hospital for cutting too deep on my birthday? Did you know that I stay up all night looking at the new pictures of you and "your family". do you remember in December when I called you crying saying that... [Read More]

Tags: Dad, Mom, Cutting, Sorry, Sad, Cut, Wrist, Emo, Love, Daughter, Unloved, Sadness, Pain
Votes: 19

November 22nd


26 Jul, 2018 09:59 PM

Edit 2: This edit is at the top because it's a message to my friends and family. In case you ever read this, you may be wanting to know who is who. I've listed the names with an inside joke, quote, etc. You know who you are then! Lilly: SIO is best band <3 Jacob: Stellar is a dumb word Kieran: You're the most likely to call me "shortass" Erika: You named your stuffed rabbit Buns Robert: You forgot me Becca: We never talked to each other Eli and Zack: This is self-explanatory... Anthony: I can still spell your last name! Hahaha! Monica: "JACKDAW" Liam: Please stop being tall. It makes me feel short Caleb: RED HURRICANES!!! Kaylee: Oh gosh, so many to choose from ... pfft. "Be home in a boat! Blueberry muffins are the best Social Darwinism. REGENISIS." Camila: Remember that group project for Ancient Civilizations? Emma: I... [Read More]

Tags: Memories, Depression, Friendship, Pain, True Story, Suicide, Sad, Cutting, Childhood, Self Harm, School
Votes: 5

Trying to fight

Claire B

11 Oct, 2012 04:20 AM

My story starts in 7th grade, even though I'm only in 8th, a lot has happened since then. I'm Claire by the way. 13 years old. don't read this if you judge but ok yeah anyways. The first day I walked into a public school I was like "fuck yeah it's middle school yayy" but really no. It was hell, pure hell. I got called fat by 2 eighth graders and oh it gets better because that's the first week only. After three weeks I was getting called names by a lot of people I didn't even know... one of the eighth grade popular girls walked by me with all her friends and said "oh this one's really ugly." I looked at them and said "what?" and they said " oh and she's a dumb ass too! How nice, see you late caterpillar eyebrows" and I just ran in to... [Read More]

Tags: Bullying, Suicide, Cutting, Sad, Heartbroken, Girl, Alone, Hurt, Pain
Votes: 16

The love of a father


17 Jan, 2013 08:43 PM

She slowly pushed the blade in to her arm and pulled it down her, feeling the sting, feeling the sense of freedom from everything that had been in her head. There was the singular sharp, sweet sting as the blade sliced her skin. Not to deep but deep enough to make herself bleed, she whispered to herself, "It's just one cut. I'll be ok, just no more." She put the blade down and wiped the blood from the cut she had just made. She looked back down at the blade. "I need more," she thought. She picked the blade up and put it to her arm and made one more, and another and another. After she realized what she had done and how full her arm was of cuts. She cried and started wiping the blood from her arm. "Why did I do this to myself." She looked down at... [Read More]

Tags: Abuse, Love, Father, Family, Self Harm, Suicide, Death, Cutting, Depression
Votes: 7

Emo Love

Mystic Nightshade

20 Feb, 2012 04:00 PM

I stared at the letter left in my locker after school. I read it over once, twice. I felt a pain in my chest as the words stabbed through my sensitive heart. My girlfriend of two years broke up with me in a note... I felt tears roll down my pale cheeks, clouding my vision and blurring the words on the paper. My hands trembled as I held the paper close to my heart, refusing to let it go. My walk to home was very lonely. Normally, my girlfriend and I would walk home together, hand in hand, laughing at random remarks in our conversation. The memories made my heart ache more and I buried my hands deeper into the pockets of my “Escape the Fate” hoodie, clutching the note that broke my heart. Once I got home, I dragged myself to my room, locking myself inside. Nobody was home... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Death, Depression, Cutting, Heartbreak, Unloved, Sad
Votes: 17

I Just Really Hate Life.


06 Apr, 2012 12:53 AM

I don't know why I'm doing this. I'm so pitiful and no one cares. I guess I just need to vent. yes, this is a true story. I guess it all starts with no one really caring about me. I was the child who was ignored. The the child who was born for failure. Whatever. I'm over that, but what really pisses me off is that no one really started even looking at me until I got "pretty". I started wearing makeup. people actually talked to me. but they didn't care. I knew they didn't. I just wanted someone to talk to me for once. I went years without anybody even glancing at me and it felt good that people wanted to talk to me.. I started dating this boy who really cared about me.. well I don't know.. maybe he was just going through the motions like everyone else.... [Read More]

Tags: Hate, Life, Death, Suicide, Heart Break, Broken Heart, Cutting
Votes: 12

I Let Him Down


03 Nov, 2012 03:12 AM

Well, it all started in elementary school, his name was Jeffrey, had beautiful long hair. He was neglected, beat and bullied. He liked me in there and I did the same. In high school, we were best of friends, until they started bullying me for Liking him He ignored it blinded by love, I couldn't be hated so I told him something I HATE MYSELF FOR DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!! I told him I liked another guy, I could see the hatred and sadness in Jeff's eyes, he came with scars to school. Teachers nor students cared... I was still in love with him, even though he did not know that. He invited me to his place and we ended up making out...Word got out somehow and we were in deep shit I could only save myself I couldn't save him so I told him the same lie AGAIN. During the next... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Death, Pain, Cutting, Betrayed, Bullied, Alone, Hurt, Sad
Votes: 7