Showing sad poems for tag "Loneliness"

Why did you have to leave?


18 Nov, 2016 08:29 PM
I waited for you...
But you never came
Hours and hours went by and you never showed
I was worried about you,
until the day you came knocking on my door

You were drunk and wanted more..
You tried to come in,
but with all my strength I pushed you away..
You left me in the dust..
You wanted more than just my love
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Tags: Loss, Loneliness, Heartbroken, Pain
Votes: 7

Damn hard for me :-(

Syful Sharif

03 May, 2011 03:15 AM
M just bored of
dying everyday,
It's not new
Seeing ma dreams
turning into gray........
No matter how much try to move on,
It still holds me back
Coz the memories yet to gone.....
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Tags: Sadness, Loneliness, Cry
Votes: 5

missing you

Ethanielle Mojares

11 Sep, 2013 08:56 AM
I need to see you again
I’m so sad and a mess
nothing more nor less

Hope it’s not the end
Cause I miss you
and everyone else

I keep hearing bells
everything is blue
Just come back to me
i’ll try to be fun again
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Tags: Missing You, Loneliness, Lonely, Sorrow, Confusion
Votes: 0

How can I


18 Aug, 2015 06:43 AM
How can i express my feelings from my words,
How can i make you trust on my self,
Dont know how to speak while remaining silent,
How can i explain it to my heart

A bond is bounded to my soul, 
which does always pull me back to you,
Now you tell me how can i stop my soul?

I already told you, my love will never be expressed to you;
how can i put hate's rein on my feelings?
i have to live without you but i even cant sense my life now
how can i return song's of life to a carcass
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Tags: Loneliness, True Love, Broken Trust, Sadness, Heartbroken
Votes: -3

An Orphan's cry

Nberna Beryl

06 Oct, 2016 12:01 PM
she carries her shame 
in one hand and sadness in the other
she carries a smile that fails because
her lower lip is wounded
she slowly drags her feet until they come 
crumbling down,
she cries out 
"MUM it hurts 
my smile hurts 
"MUM it hurts 
my hands hurt 
"MUM it hurts
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Tags: Sadness, Loneliness, Lonely, Longing
Votes: 4


Michael Lipps

04 Oct, 2016 02:15 PM
I see now
These four walls
Were not to be used to contain the human body
But to contain the spirit and soul
They are used to reverse our backwards and one way thinking
Used to help us find our faith
And help us seek out the the help we need
As I lay here naked
Trapped not only within these four walls
But within the ovaloid shaped walls of my own skull
Trapped with just my thoughts
I realize now I was in a narcosis state
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Tags: Jail, Drugs, Addiction, Depression, Loneliness, Isolation
Votes: 2


Darkness fever

27 Sep, 2013 11:02 PM
I look  up at the sky,
 The sun had faded,
 All my happiness had ended.
The night came and brought,
Sadness,emptyness and hatred.
The darkness begins to take over me
I feel so lost, so I fall on my knees.

Dreams are meant to be forgotten
But ,they never leave us thoughtless

Please, do forgive me,
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Tags: Sad Love, Loneliness, Lost
Votes: 12

the empty journey


21 Nov, 2014 08:21 PM
I sit here feeling the cold surrounding me 
Surrounding my body as I pour dry
Abandoned by all yet all say they would always be there
I text you
I call you
Anything for your attention

You’ve left me along to fight through the dark
To shed the light
But truth be told you were my only light...
Now I am alone and cold
Afraid of what I will see once there is light upon me
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Tags: Hope, Loneliness, Death, Hopelessness
Votes: 2

It's my fault I'm sorry

Georgina Martin-Gentleman

02 Dec, 2013 09:34 PM
There was a time when we were happy 
Then all that changed
You told me he was hurting you
But I didn't listen 

Please don't cry
I wish I could turn back time
I wish I could end all the pain 
and suffering that took her away

I could see your arms
Broken and bruised
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Tags: Love, Lost, Loneliness
Votes: 1

Forced to Walk

Savon C.S.R.

21 Jan, 2014 05:33 AM
Once again I'm forced walk this road
The road of loneliness, and sadness
I'm forced to walk this road for the sins I've committed 
But aren't we all someday forced to walk this road 
The road of our sins

Once again I'm forced to walk this road 
Were we face the consequences of our actions
Were we learn the truth about ourselves
And fight the demons that lurk inside us

Once again I'm forced to walk this road
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Tags: Fogive, Sin, Loneliness, Demons
Votes: 1