Showing sad poems for tag "Sadness"

when they leave


25 Aug, 2012 08:52 PM
When they leave you 
without saying goodbye
When they go to a place
high in the sky.

When all you can do 
is pray for them & cry
When it comes to 
the end of their life..

When they leave you 
alone in this silly life..
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Tags: Death, Tears, Sadness, Depressed, Family, Love, Missing
Votes: 0

One Last Tear


12 Jul, 2012 11:45 PM
So many things left to say
No more freedom, it's gone away
Run now, or stay and face
The empty eyes filled with coldness.

Swallowed in my screams
I'm left here with no dreams
I look at the dark sky
And I'm trying not to cry.

Is that all?
Will I fall?
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Tags: Tears, Sadness, Alone, Dark, Night, Dying, Fear
Votes: 5

You see me now.

kalie belle

30 Jun, 2012 01:16 AM
You see me now,
but I was never there.
It happened so fast.
But now I'm everywhere,

I'm the rain,
I'm the wind,
I'm the light that shines down on you,
I'm the rain that runs down you race,

I'm the shoulder you can cry on.
Even if you can't see me I will always be there..
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Tags: Death, Friend, Life, Past, Future, Sadness
Votes: 4

I can't take pain now

Haseeb Masood

28 Jun, 2012 01:28 PM
I look around me to find anybody for help
but there is no one present
as far my eyes can see I see I am all alone
only my hands is there to remove my tears when I cry
only my arms is there to hug me when I feel down
I am waiting for end of me but I know end is so far
even I am so weak after taking some steps 
my knees is too weak but I know there is no one
who give my knees a help for walk
heart is beating like its not broke
my body holding my blood in side it
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Tags: Pain, Death, Sad, Sadness, Dark, Darkness, Depressed, Lost
Votes: 2

I'll tell myself

Sylvia Mickey

25 Jun, 2012 05:04 PM
Yes we did it.
But accomplished nothing.
It will be a memory that only we share.
With a sour feeling.
You don't want to date me.
You don't want to call me.
You don't want to see me.

So don't.
I won't be clingy.
I won't be annoying.
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Tags: Sad, Love, Unloved, Hurt, Sadness
Votes: 2

Sadness In A Short Form

Sylvia Mickey

25 Jun, 2012 05:25 AM
Jay loved Mag in high school. 
Mag loves Jay in college.
But Jay loves Mergan in college.
Mergan loves Buster.
Jay freezes heart. 
Mag tries to melt it. 
Jay is impenetrable.
Mag is chilly.
Jay warms her.
Mag is happy.
Jay gets hard.
Mag is tender.
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Tags: Love, Unloved, Sad, Girl, Hurt, Pain, Sadness
Votes: 1



20 Jun, 2012 11:01 PM
All the pain that haunts me still.
 And all the shame surrounding you, 
Is now the past that I can't kill.
  Forever wrapped around me.

And all the sadness in my life,
 are now the things that I can't hide.
It's just a fear that's deep inside,
 from all the years of hiding.

There's a ghost that's inside of my mind, 
 and a pain is still haunting me.
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Tags: Love, Lost, Bleed, Hurt, Broken, Miss You, Miss, Happiness, Sadness
Votes: 1

You Are The Light of My Life

Haseeb Masood

14 Jun, 2012 02:36 AM
I can't learn to live without you,
coz you gave my heart a beat;
I can't learn to smile without you,
coz you are the reason i smile;
There is no color on my lips,
when they did not touch your lips;
There is no soul in my body,
when it does not touch your body.
You are my sun shine
You are moon of my night
You are a beat of my heart
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Tags: Love, Sad, Hurt, Depressed, Unloved, Missing, Alone, Sadness
Votes: 4

An empty life without you


02 Jun, 2012 02:29 PM
Autumn’s breeze blows summers leaves through my mind
Alone, I sit on this bench, but recall a time
Before my days were filled with such emptiness
When I thought you would always be mine

My memory wanders back to a time when I was young
So full of passion was my love for you
For a while I knew you desired the same
But you became tired of us and away you did run

It was your wish to walk away and not to say goodbye,
I said I’d never forget you and to this I’ve been true
[Read More]
Tags: Heartbroken, Loneliness, Sad, Unloved, Death, Sadness
Votes: 4



18 Dec, 2012 10:46 AM
My glass princess, will you hear me
Your eyes shine but, I wonder
If I let my true heart shine 
Will you understand 
or will you laugh

If I let my cries reach you, 
will you hear them
If I let my fear reach you, 
will you forgive me 
If I let my emptiness reach you, 
will you fill me
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Tags: Tears, Sadness, Lonely, Broken, Unloved, Depressed, Lost
Votes: 6