The Story
Hannah Lynn Burkhart
25 May, 2011 05:45 PMWhy are you still here? Why can't you leave me in peace? I see you every place I go, You haunt my thoughts and dreams. I close my eyes and see your face, You whisper softly "I Love You". I stare at your picture sometimes, Wishing that you were still here. When I sleep at night, I dream of you touching my face. The sun always comes up to soon, I wish I could hold you just a little longer. Where are you? Do you ever think of me? Sometimes I wonder if you can see me. I read you letter over again, I would have said "yes", I would have said "yes". Why did you come to see me that night? It was to stormy, Did I make you drive to fast? Hes turning two today, I see you every time he looks at me. God I wish you were here, You always held me if I cried. I miss you! I can't breath any more! It hurts to much. I love you, but it hurts to much. Let me forget, please. I need to forget. Just one more dream, One more smile, One last kiss, even if it isn't real. Hold me one last time, But let me move on.
3 Post a Comment
Post a Comment23 Jun, 2011 07:05 AM
This is perfect. I love it. This poem has been hearted(:
23 Jun, 2011 02:18 PM
me 2 :(
04 Jul, 2011 11:10 PM
This poem really spoke out to me, i am so glad i read it! Thank-you