Make Me Such
Parry Boparai
03 Jul, 2011 08:44 AMYour left me alone, a turning point in my life, Grieves rushed in , happiness left my life, You never turned back, looked for me, No company of you , loneliness wherever I see, I always believed you , no matter in what, Your last words are still echoing my mind's hut, I am having no company, except loneliness, You left! it's hard to believe, sorrows are excess, How can I make my heart believe, that you deceived me, How can I make my heart believe, you are gone like rains, When I was with you, I never considered losses or the gains, And there sat Parry in your memories and trying to be same, Please come back, or Make Me Such that I can bear this pain, ||||||||||||||||||||||||Parry Boparai||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 Post a Comment
Post a Comment02 Apr, 2012 03:13 AM
This is everything I'm going through.....
10 Apr, 2012 11:25 PM
hi. Its an experience!
03 May, 2012 03:11 PM
WOW! its almost everything im going through..... he cheats on me... then i leave him..... then my (supposed to be friend) stabes me in the back and dates him.......... why does love hurt so much... and he still says he loves me but i dont believe him..
07 May, 2012 03:38 AM
This is what love is in present times.