Showing sad stories for tag "Love"



05 Dec, 2012 10:26 AM

"--so perfect! The kiss accompanied by the fireworks, it was so beautiful and--" "I know, now can you please shut up? Someone's trying to study here," "Fine. I'm going out, do you need anything?" "No," Anne sighed as soon as her roommate left their room. Then suddenly, she broke, tears were streaming down her face and she couldn't stop them. "Why? Why?" She was there that night. She was there when they sealed their fates with a kiss. Normally, she wouldn't believe superstitious such as 'the person you shared a kiss with during THAT night will be the person you'll spend eternity with' but that happened to her parents and her other relatives. It was childish to say 'she was supposed to be the one holding hands with Zeke, she should have been the one who shared that kiss with Zeke' she should have been Zeke's best friend, scratch that,... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Lost, Life, Death, Tears, Kiss, Sick, Love, Unloved, Unspoken Love, Cancer, Cry
Votes: 16

Love Of A Mother

Vina Angeline Waruwu

09 Dec, 2011 12:10 AM

The road has been hobbled, because she was already more than 70 years, so if she had any choice at all, she is rarely able and willing to leave the house. Although she had a daughter, she was staying in a nursing home, because her presence is not desired. Still remembered by her, when the father of the child ran away after being her pregnant without going to take responsibility for his actions. In addition, the family demanded that she abort the unborn child, because his family was ashamed to have a daughter who was pregnant before marriage, but she still defended it, and therefore she was expelled from her parents' home. In addition to the shame that should be on the responsibility, she had to work hard at the factory to finance her life. When she gave birth to her daughter, no one was with her. She does not... [Read More]

Tags: Mother, Family, Death, Love, Daughter, Unloved, Hurt, Sad, Tears
Votes: 12

Forbidden Love


30 Jan, 2010 05:20 PM

I would tell him i love you over the phone when my parents weren't home. I would always hear the reply "I love you more". Just hearing his voice say that made me smile, no matter how many times I have heard it. If only we were allowed to be together. I hate how my parents were. They were racist and unreasonable, stuck in their ways. My mom would tell me that i don't know what love is at such a young age but she was wrong. I was in love with him. Whenever i saw him, i would smile. I couldn't help it. My heart would pound even after all those months we have been together, sneaking and lying to our parents just so we could be together. Yea, it sounds bad but it was the only way we could see each other. We texted each other from morning... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad, Forbidden, Death, True Love, Young Love
Votes: 88

I love him but I'm not his anymore

Shenaz Miah

22 Sep, 2017 08:08 PM

I met Dan through a dating app. I wasn't looking for anything if I am being honest, just going with the flow and seeing what happens. I didn't expect to fall in love with him and end up with a broken heart within a year of meeting him... I thought he was going to be that type of guy who wanted sex or dirty pictures, he didn't. He was looking for a girl with a nice personality and someone who he would get along with. I didn't like him much at first but I decided to give him a chance. I didn't find him that attractive either. We exchanged snapchats and phone numbers after messaging on the app for a few days. We spoke so much and had an instant connection. He made me laugh and smile. He became so attractive after that. I thought about him a lot, he... [Read More]

Tags: Relationship, Sad Love Story, Sadness, Tears, Love, Love Story, Broken, Hurt, Heartbroken
Votes: 12

Last love

Mei Mei

18 Dec, 2012 03:24 PM

It started when I was in senior high. My class consisted only 16 students. I was an introverted, shy girl. Nobody talked to me as I never gave them a chance to get close to me. I was never interested in any kind of relationship. Whenever it gets to a group work, nobody wants me. All I do was to wait if a group lacks member. Even when my classmate made fun of me, I kept quiet. I once told myself that I should no longer be an introverted girl, yet I don't know why I can't. One day, a new boy called Jack entered my class. He was fat ass, dorky. I believed he would be no different from me. However, he was actually outgoing, nice and smart boy. He was kind to everyone. He praises everybody, even me. He said, "Woah! I'm sitting next to a genius girl!"... [Read More]

Tags: Jealousy, Friendship, Sad, Love, Tragedy, Unloved, Heartbroken, Death, Tears
Votes: 18

Forbidden Love


18 Nov, 2012 05:53 AM

It's a really sad story. Not really anyone knows the ENTIRE truth. Not even my parents. First, I'll set down the facts: We're six years apart, but our mindsets are the same level. He's older, but that doesn't really matter I guess. I've always thought he was beautiful. He's known me my entire life, and I've known him my entire life. He was the ring bearer at my parents' wedding. All the adults love him, he's smart, polite, beautiful (I think I already mentioned that), and talented in gymnastics, academics, and sports. Practically perfect. I think I'll call it the "incident." The "incident" happened about a year and 3 months ago. We were at my grandma's house, just chilling, and my little brother was playing video games in the dining room downstairs. My grandma was out at the grocery store, so we were supposed to watch my brother. We were... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Love, True Story, Breakup, Love, Sadness, Boyfriend, Distance, Truth, Story, Lie
Votes: 14

True Sad Love Stroy


24 Sep, 2010 07:04 PM

Before I begin my story. I assure you it is 100% true. I write this story to share my experience in life and with love. I learned that if you do something behind your family's back you just end up hurting yourself.. When we first met I was 15, he was 17. It all started online. I know you might be thinking...tragic love I randomly started chatting with him because I was extremely bored and he himself was also very bored. For about a week we would chat for hours and hours. I found myself laughing in front of the computer screen at the stories he told me. The heart that seemed like it never lived seemed to suddenly start beating. I liked him. Living in a house with older brothers and sisters who were busy with their husbands, wives and jobs I always felt alone, like I wanted... [Read More]

Tags: Complicated, Love, Sad, True
Votes: 153

The Day When I Will See You Again

Faliha Ishma

07 Feb, 2013 09:29 AM

I had a best friend. He's a guy. We knew each other when we were still very young, about 2 years old. Well, our mothers were best friends. That's why I knew him, because our mothers were very close. I loved talking to him. He's like a big brother to me. I was always counting on him, on whatever. He treated me well. He encouraged me when I felt sad and devastated. He hugged me when I cried. He laughed with me when I felt happy. He fought with guys who made fun of me, or even made me cry. I just loved him so much. We did everything together. We played anything, we laughed at each other, we argued sometimes, but those arguments were just made our bonds even stronger. But, when we became teenagers, our feelings changed. Well, I still felt the same about him. But, I knew... [Read More]

Tags: Lost, Love, Lonely, Hurt, Sick, Best Friend, Death, Sad
Votes: 74

Soulmates never die


05 Aug, 2012 11:09 PM

I'm now a 16 years girl, who lives in a small town in a small country ..Being in a small town, it's worse than you people can imagine...This is a small story of my life...I was born on December after my two sisters,the fact that I was born a girl didn't liked to my family coz they wanted a boy,so when they see me they said : 'just like the others'(just like my sisters,a girl)...this fact made my life a hell..the fact that my family cried when I was born,made my heart broken and I always felt like I disappointed them for what I was...From this fact,when I was 10-14 years old I tried to be a boy by wearing my brother's clothes(the brother who was finally born)and have the behavior of a boy by doing rude things listening to rap like crazy (things that here in my town isn't... [Read More]

Tags: Hurt, Heartbroken, Pain, Unloved, Tears, Depression, Girl, Cut, Love, Betrayal, Sadness
Votes: 20

Sleepless Nights

Frankie Julbe

01 Jun, 2011 06:25 PM

Sleepless Nights 12:45 in the morning, I cant take anymore, but I have to, I have to see you. My shift is coming close to its end, "Penelope" called the nurse. There you were escaping the shadows of darkness that room behold of you,. The light touch her exquisite features, long dark hair past her shoulders and fragrance of ocean breeze, lips as red and flawless as a bloom rose, eyes so captivating that shocks all my senses, you are flawless in every way imaginable, you are my burning desire, my endless love, and yet the most beautiful and good hearted suffers a mental disorder. I've only started to work in this psychiatric ward for 2 months and these months will rain forever more happiness then, than in my lifetime. Penelope was suffering from Schizophrenia and I was just a staff there. It was December 20 the day I met... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Tragic Romance, Death, Romance, Tragic
Votes: 194