Showing sad stories for tag "love"

My Silly First Love

Clarissa Nicole

16 Aug, 2015 02:24 PM

This isn't exactly a sad story, especially if you've never experienced it yourself. This is my real story, and i'm sticking to it. And hey, non-english speaker here! Just keep in mind if there's typo or grammatical error. I met him when i was 6 years old. It was my first day in primary school, and i was scared to death, seeing how shy and awkward i was. I didn't exactly remember how i met him, but i remember some little details of moments I had with him that time. He was the cheerful type, the one kid that always knows how to make you laugh, the kid that always has smartass comments to teachers, the kid everyone adores. When i was just in second grade, i knew i adored him. Being friends with him, I kept forgetting how shy i was, and became loud and cheerful myself. He never... [Read More]

Tags: Graduation, First Love, School, Love, Separation, Heartbroken, Cheated
Votes: -22

A Modern Day Romeo and Juliet


09 Aug, 2015 01:12 AM

This is a story with a lot of ups and downs but it is the truth after all. Me (m 14) am in love with a girl (f 13) and she loves me just as much. You may ask, "Why are you on here if there is love between you two?". The problem goes deeper than that, and I will explain so you can see the pain. For the past years of my life I have never been the person to know what love is like, for someone other than my family to say they care about me. I had a history of rejection but I know this girl isn't like the others. She is unique. Best of all, she loves me no matter my faults. And I love her no matter what. The only problem is....her father doesnt believe in our love. He is the main one in control... [Read More]

Tags: Forbidden Love, Depression, Pain, Love, Love Story
Votes: -21

Noah drowning


22 Jun, 2015 08:57 PM

These events happened when I was 15 and 16 so some events aren't as detailed as I would have liked them to be but I've tried to recall the events as best I could , thank you for taking the time to read this I truly appreciate it , even if you don't it feels better already writing it down. At the start of March 2013 my mum got a phone call from the army base , that means either two things . One my dad had died or two was seriously injured and was being sent back.He was stationed in Iraq and had served in the army for 15 years. So he was head commander in ground combat.Well it wasn't good news it was basically both of the two options. He had been shot four times by an enemy group on ground and was in critical condition , and... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Family, Friends, Friendship, Despair, Suicide, Shooting, Gang, Army, Love
Votes: -30

Modern Fairytale


07 Jun, 2015 04:14 AM

One, please understand that I'm 13, and I must of screwed up many places, also if there are any error plz point them out to me. I would try and change it, if I haven't killed myself by then. Enjoy Love? What is love? Many people have defined it as a strong desire for humans of the opposite sex, but did anyone wonder what is the definition of desire? Well, most people would just answer ",an urge to have something or somebody," but still what is that urge that causes you to do so? To answer that question, that urge is simply just love. Now I'll cut the bullshit???? Molly, a skinny blond haired girl, never has understood what is the meaning of love until she met Matt. That night, a stormy summer night, had set a marking stone in Molly's life. Her mother, the only family she had left,... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Love Hurts, Lost, Suicide
Votes: -15

Do YOU Know The Truth?


26 May, 2015 06:09 PM

I have a story. But I don't want to write it as it opens a closed chapter of my life. it lasted for a very long time and is still on going. Therefore i have decided to write a true story about many people that has been bullied. I want people to understand what we/you have been through. A shrink does not know how we feel. A mental hospital does not know how we feel. Medication does not know how we feel. they say "It takes one to know one" that is what I believe is the mental hospital, the skrink, the medication we stuff down every day. I want the world to know how it is. I want them to actually cry over something they don't understand. I want them to cry over someone they don't know. I want them to cry because we are strong. Because we lived... [Read More]

Tags: Struggle, Sadness, Hope, Bullied, Teen, Hopeless, Help, Lost, Love, Lonely
Votes: -18

Losing more than timing...


25 May, 2015 06:12 AM

Love, romance, and partnerships aren't something that belong to me. I will always lose out. Timing is everything in life, and sometimes, your potential love life is not the only thing at stake, if you lose or miss your timing, it is possible to lose even more... I tend to stay quiet and will almost always let my friend win, and this is the story of how I lost everything... ----------------------------------------- And this is my story: My best friend of 15 years, we knew everything about each other, could communicate with looks, or at least that's what I thought. The guy I like... my crush of 5 years, crushing on him since the first day of high school when I saw him as that really hot guy on the other side of the courtyard.... until we were in the same math class together, at first he was just cute, but... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Losing, Friends, Letting Go, Friend-zoned, Unloved
Votes: 10

I should have left him


24 May, 2015 07:28 AM

The following story is probably my futur. Most of it is true. The names have changed for privacy reasons. Two months into the school year I took notice in a boy. I have always thought some boys were cute and stuff but I actually liked him. I am the girl who never brushes her hair and wears jeans and a t shirt everyday and his hair was similar to mine and he dressed similar too. I really liked him. Around January, I started talking to his best friend Emely. They have known each other for a long time. Soon enough I told her I liked him. She then told me she knew his crushes. I was dying to know so we started talking more and more. The first is a belly dancer at my school and the second she doesn't know yet so I asked her to ask home because... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Breakup, Depression, Death
Votes: -43

There's a boy for every girl

The broken girl

23 May, 2015 01:17 PM

There's a girl for every boy. They don't know it but they're right there in front of them. When they find out....sometimes its to late but other times it isn't. Here's my story, of a girl who found it the other way around. There's a boy for every girl. When I met my boy bud I didn't know what I had in store. When I first saw him I thought," Hey he's cute." Then in health one day when I was with my friend she introduced me to him. If you can call that an introduction.;)It's like somehow he knew instantly. He started following me around when I was with my friend. It didn't last that long and it was minor but he still was happy and playful around me. He would pass me and pretend I tripped him and other things like that but then just two months ago... [Read More]

Tags: Friendship, Love, Heart, Friend, Boy
Votes: -2



22 May, 2015 01:32 PM

According to an English dictionary, the word "miss" has a lot of meanings. One of them is "to feel the absence of someone or something". In my opinion, the word "miss" means by the feeling that one feels when the person that very close to him, disappeared, vanished and gone. Perhaps just for a while or for good. It is just hurt when you can't stop yourself from thinking and remembering the person, even though they used to hurt you but you still love them. Everyone will feels this feeling sooner or later. This includes myself. Deep in my heart, I miss him so much. I really want to hug him, but I can't. He's just 'too' far from me. Only God knows exactly how I miss my late grandpa. 23rd July 2014, he left us. At 1st June 2014, I received a letter saying I am going to further... [Read More]

Tags: Misery, Sad, Hearbreaking, Surprise, Death, Redha, Life, Love, Peace, Endless Love
Votes: 1

Plz Help to Find Answer for This Boy


16 May, 2015 07:04 PM

Once there was a boy who was living simply. He never faced real love before in life. May be the boy fall for other girls because of attractions. Suddenly One day a big memorable life changing incident happened in his life. He got a girl’s friend request in chat. He accepted it and starts to talk with her as normally he does. But when he listened her voice and saw her he falls in love with her at same time. Her voice was so much soft and sweet which give peace to his mind and heart. But slowly he realized she is broken hearted. One guy (her boyfriend) broke her heart but she was …… Don’t know may be trying to figure out what is happening with her or what she does. Soon both start to talk with each other every day till late night or whenever they got time.... [Read More]

Tags: Love Story, Love, Waiting
Votes: -1