Showing sad quotes for tag "Hurt"

I could say I was hurt, but it wouldn't be true. However this knife in my back reminds me of you.
love hurts even when you tell him/her that it's ok
One of life greatest hypocrisy:
"It hurts when you see the one you love with somebody else...

but still, you keep on staring..."
Why do we say that love hurts us, 
when we feel hurt when we don't have love?
Tags: Hurt, Love, Unloved, Sad
"Don't blame me if I break you. Blame THEM. I never did anything. What did I do to deserve this? 
...Now look at me! They've created a monster!"
Head up, stay strong. Fake a smile, move on.
You broke my heart.
I tried to put it back together, 
but it just fell apart.
All I know is it used to be a work of art.
Darkness isn’t the absence of light…
it’s the absence of you.
The first person who teach you  
The meaning of the werb "love" 
Will also be 
The first person who teaches you the 
Meaning of the "pain"
Tags: Lost, Love, Sad, Pain, Hurt
I've lost a lot of things and my heart was one of them, Please don't throw it away.