Showing sad quotes for tag "pain"

You told me to wait. Then, why did you marry her?
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Submitted By: The Skywalker Reigns
Tags: Stronger, Pain
The pain is like a rush, it runs out the anger and sadness through the blood, the pleasure is filled from the stains, the nerves dies from the knives, laughing in death from the silence it inspires, alone the mind will die, the body will pale and dissapear like a leaf in the wind.
- Timothy Long(me)
Submitted By: timothy long
Tags: Cutting, Crying, Pain, Past
"You said you'd love me forever I guess forever ended
and so did I"
My heart is broken since u left me...
But soon enough we will reunite.. For we are one, 
and death is just the beginning of a new jorney.
I guess Simple things in life makes you think twice
Tags: Love, Pain, Thoughts, Life, Lost
our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real...
- AnA
Playing with my heart 
And making me fall in love with you 
I never thought i would fall so hard
Never ever did i think it was fake
Full of lies the sweet loving things you told me
Under the spell of true love i thought i was under
Love broke my heart,killed my spirit, and demolish my soul
- pain
Submitted By: Andrea
Tags: Broken Hearted, Sad Love, Pain
Sometimes I can feel tiny pieces of my soul
Rippling like waves through the memories of old
Never letting go of the pain and heartache we all know
There's no greater pain than pain itself.
Tags: Pain