The Girl
21 Mar, 2018 03:27 AMShe sits in her room staring at the wall knowing she could never be anything more than worthless The thoughts running through her head are on replay and never leave So she sits facing a choice alone with no help She sits facing death or life Hard choice you may say, not to her she has her answer She has had her mind made up for a while She sits facing the wall picking up a blade Small tears escaping her bloodshot eyes She replays the memories one last time As she sits there staring at the wall digging the blade into her skin Deeper and deeper she goes Blood trickling down her arms forming puddles on her floor She hides her pain and lets go of suffering She lies there broken and torn staring at the wall Her eyes roll back and skin grows pale with each breath escaping her alreading blue lips She feels closer and closer to death Her one wish coming true She blinks and suddenly enters a world of her own She tries to find the wall She runs for miles screaming and crying and trying to find her wall The blood ruining her clothes The blood that makes her pain go away The blood full of sadness and despair The blood that sits draining from her arms into the lakes on her floor The lakes of blood become so big she begins to drown Drown in all of the pain and sadness and despair and depression She lies there with thoughts of kids words and thoughts of mom and dad’s fights, thoughts of each and every cut she has ever given herself She looks down at the blade in her hand and begins to cut more holes, more rips She is beginning to look like a paper doll cut and mangled, ripped and torn, crumpled and worn Wishing she could go back to being that once bright and happy girl she was before Return to the girl who lived To the person who laughed for hours The person who was really happy The person who knew she could fall in love and know her feelings were real and that she wasn’t just faking them to make other people happy She so desperately wishes to be that girl again that she tries to physically scar herself She is staring at the puddles on the floor looking at the reflection of a broken girl A girl who isn’t pretty A girl who isn’t loved A girl who isn’t wanted A girl who will soon waste away to nothing and no one will notice She will soon become a shell of her former self The shell no one loves The shell no one cares about The wanted shell of the broken girl who no one notices the cuts or burns All they see is a perfect little girl who has everything right in her life Little do they know When behind closed doors she cries herself to sleep Tears soaked so far through her pillow they no longer wash off Mascara running down her cheeks staining what was left of her almost perfect face Tears burning rivers into her face Cuts opening pathways to her soul All she has ever wanted was someone to listen but now no one ever will She has taken her life along with scars and broken memories She has taken her life knowing that others won’t morn her Knowing that others won’t remember her Knowing that others will only carry on with their own lives She is now a distant memory One she hopes still burns in the back of your head She hopes you read this and realize that the girl your looking for is sitting her writing this while fighting back tears and memories She sits her wanting to hurt herself Wanting to take this horrible life away Wanting to know if anyone out there really cares for her Wanting to know if she was to take her own life whose world would come crashing down in front of them She sits here writing her feelings into this poem Sits here spilling the words onto the page Sitting here wondering how many people lie awake at night thinking of her Sitting her thinking about all those who mock her and do nothing to help her Thinking about the ones who watch her walk through life with a painted on smile and a rehearsed laugh Hoping no one will see through her mask, but sitting her wishing someone would be brave enough to take it off and rebuild what’s underneath
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Post a Comment06 May, 2018 05:36 AM
life is precious. no matter how hard it gets, there is still so much to live.
I'm so sure that there's always someone out there who thinks of us and sees our worth when no one else ever does.
I'm so touched but remember life is too precious despite the hell it is most times.