Depression Is Never Ending
sarah j clawson
18 May, 2017 07:36 PMThe darkness surrounds me It's getting so cold I'm all alone With no one to hold My world is so empty All what's left is pain No sunshine to light my way Just never ending rain I drown in tears My heart is crying No one seems to notice My soul is dying Depression is here every day, And it never goes away. Go away! I yell into the dark, As if someone is there. I feel as if I'm a prisoner In the dungeon's lair. And as always, no one cares. Do I dare? Dare to care about anyone but me? Could it be, Someone there? Someone there to care? No, just an image. That's the way it will always be, No matter how hard I try. I just want to get by. I go through life day by day. I thought pain was supposed To go away with time, But it's not. It's still here, Here with the fear, Fear that I will get hurt more.
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