Forced to Walk
Savon C.S.R.
21 Jan, 2014 05:33 AMOnce again I'm forced walk this road The road of loneliness, and sadness I'm forced to walk this road for the sins I've committed But aren't we all someday forced to walk this road The road of our sins Once again I'm forced to walk this road Were we face the consequences of our actions Were we learn the truth about ourselves And fight the demons that lurk inside us Once again I'm forced to walk this road But as I continue to walk this lonely road of sadness I realize that we are all human, and we all sin And we are all forgiven for those sins Once again I'm forced to walk this road As I walk this lonely road I've realized my sins have been washed away That I am the reason this road is filed with loneliness, and sadness Now I see a light at the end of the road Once again I'm forced to walk this road But the road has finally come to a end I realize he has forgiven me for the sins I have created And now it is my turn to forgive my self Just like a rose we all blossom And just like a rose we'll all wilt away someday But in the end We are all forgiven.....
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