gone from my life
26 Sep, 2011 05:56 AMYou're out of my life it hurt at first but now I'm alright I decided to not listen to your lies anymore it's over it's through I've closed my door so many times I've been played as a fool at first you were a good person b ut now you're just cruel you said if I would wait one day we would be together but I'm moving on with my life I can't wait on you forever hopefully one day soon you'll find it isn't nice to find the one you love being with someone else each night i must admit the times we spent together were great now you've grown into something, something I can only hate the other girl doesn't realize you've been playing her too but it's ok you belong together cause she's just like you I'm glad I finally gave up on something that was never there you can't be with two people that's just not fair you should have told me the truth from the very start instead of playing your game and breaking my heart I hope you regret what you have done to me and try to get me back while begging on your knees but this time I'll be smart and leave you behind because when you say you want me I know you're lying you had so many chances but you took too long I feel better now knowing you're finally gone
8 Post a Comment
Post a Comment02 Feb, 2012 07:23 AM
I like this poem, it resembles my lost love and heartbrakes...
04 Feb, 2012 11:09 AM
nice poem. is ..... <3
06 Feb, 2012 10:43 PM
Seriously i really dont knw what to say bt its really made me to cry sigh!!!
08 Feb, 2012 06:14 AM
Absolutely nice....Awesome
01 Mar, 2012 02:33 AM
This poem is a female saying it but it also fits for me in my life. It can go for male and female. And not to sound like a wuss. I got watery eyed reading this and remembering how this reminded of how I feel. I just wish there was a good woman out there for me, one who does not cheat.
04 Oct, 2012 10:37 AM
this reminds of my ex . I was thinking he will be my everything , but when I found out that he was playing me and also a poor girl who is younger than me too , I left him . and i never regret . I knew i made the right choice . :)
04 Oct, 2012 11:42 AM
Hi5 for Janet....I think that all women would be strong and independent like you :)
02 Feb, 2014 06:15 PM
she can rhyme