If This Would Make You Happy
Alon Calinao Dy
19 Feb, 2013 07:37 PMI thought we would grow old together. You said you'd love me forever Until our skin would make folds And our hair would become gray. I thought those sweet words were real That you could never lie to me. I thought we have an agreement That you'd cherish our love and trust. All these years that have passed, I have given you everything And my dreams in life have been changed. Then in return, you left me for nothing. Since the start of our relationship, I've asked you three simple things- Love, trust and faithfulness. Yet, you've broken our golden rules. You broke my heart and left me alone Even though I've given you my love. Now for you, I would stay away If this would make you happy.
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Post a Comment26 Oct, 2014 11:01 AM
Depends on the reviewer and ddnepes on the movie.I can think of several movies that got HORRIBLE reviews from most of the reviewers yet did fairly well in the theaters.Star Wars Episodes 1 2 come to mind. Even that last alien invasion movie made a profit despite getting horrible reviews from almost every reviewer in the nation.Meanwhile, I can also think of a lot of movies that got great reviews but didn't make a lot of money.Spirited Away, for instance, got rave reviews and even won an Oscar for best animated film. Yet it really didn't play in major theaters in most places across the country, and probably made less during its entire run than most movies made during their opening weekend.