Dead Letter

DC Martin

11 Mar, 2012 08:12 AM
What can I say, 
it’s like wings unfolded, 
yet never allowed to fly,

The way today is thrown away, 
as tears fill a mother’s eye

The wind it keeps blowing 
and the leaves scatter all about,
Another day just like yesterday,
 where a scream was just a shout.

Wring your hands in apathy, 
yeah wring your hands in vain,
Stare straight on in sympathy 
and learn to live your life in pain.

I see a wedding dress in that store window,
Bloodstained and marked on sale,
Where the bride went I just don’t know
For that’s another tale to tell.

The wind it keeps blowing 
and the leaves scatter all about,
Another day just like yesterday, 
where a scream was just a shout.

Wring your hands in apathy, 
yeah wring your hands in vain,
Stare straight on in sympathy 
and learn to live your life in pain.

I walk the path that’s chosen, 
though I chose to just stand still
But time it flies as it goes by 
just like that jagged little pill

Feel that wasted breath you took, 
for it left you one more shy,
And quell the need to succeed, 
and label that wasted breath a sigh,
Spiraling down to the Earth once more, 
wings folded at  your side,
A free fall in a free for all 
where you were never allowed to fly.

A smile to all who’ve heard the call, 
yet cannot answer for themselves
And dust off that flag that you’ve let drag, 
and put it back upon the shelf

The wind it keeps blowing 
and the leaves scatter all about,
Another day just like yesterday, 
where a scream was just a shout.

Wring your hands in apathy, 
yeah wring your hands in vain,
Stare straight on in sympathy 
and learn to live your life in pain.
Tags: Sadness, Pain, Hurt
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