Showing sad stories for tag "Sadness"

First funeral


06 Mar, 2013 02:27 AM

Recently I went to my grandfather's funeral. He was 97 years old, and he was hospitalized a few weeks before death. He had 5 daughters, one of which is my mom, whom I love very much, of course. He had some gallbladder problem or something and was dehydrated when my aunts admitted him to the hospital. He got a bit worse, then got better, and began recovering. I saw him while he was recovering once, and he said his signature line, "Long time no see!" in raspy English. (my family is Chinese-cantonese, and all the adults in both sides of my family came from China.) He seemed to be getting better when I saw him, and I told him that he'd made it this far, he'd definitely get better. He shook his head and whispered in Cantonese, "No use." I almost cried then, but my mom had been there for... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Pain, Funeral, Sadness, Depression, Hospice, Hospitals, Tradition, Tradgedy
Votes: 2

Tears Aren't Enough


05 Mar, 2013 11:03 PM

Do you ever fear that you are going to lose someone close to you? Do you ever think that you might not see someone ever again? Well, I didn't. It was the summer after sixth grade. My hometown had just opened a new swimming pool and everyone loved it. Now, I can’t go there anymore without seeing her sleeping on one of the chairs, or dipping her feet in the water. The her I’m talking about was my best friend Erin. We had started hanging out at the beginning of the sixth grade when we were put in a group for a school thing together. After that, we were inseparable. We were always at each other's houses, or going to the pool when it was warm enough. And about half way through summer vacation she stayed a full week at my house. Nothing seemed wrong. A few days after she... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Best Friend, Loss, Sad, Death, Cancer, Memories, Tears, Sadness
Votes: 20

Love lingers Two years later


03 Mar, 2013 11:37 AM

It was a cold rainy night.. I met up with him the day after our huge argument. I parked outside his house as I usually did every night and as I opened my door he was already standing outside waiting for me. as soon as i opened the door he grabbed my hand and led me inside his room. We locked eyes and we both knew what was going to happen that very moment. He began to explain how disappointed he was in me and he's had enough. i was wrong, I knew I was. I pathetically began to weep and beg for forgiveness. He held my hand and told me it was best we were friends and as he's eyes got watery... He walked to the opposite side of the room and had his head in his hands and said, "I care about you so much.. Why is this... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, Sadness, Depressing, Love Story, Love Hurts, Life, Lies, Hope, Lonely, Sad, Breakup, Memories
Votes: 7

Lost my Best Friend


21 Feb, 2013 11:53 PM

22/02/12 was the worst day of my life I had ever had, my mum woke me up in the morning to go for the usual walk we would at 5:30am every morning but she had this sad look on her face and look really worried when she looked at me. I thought I'd done something wrong and asked her what was wrong and she took me out to the back room so I was away from my sister who was still asleep in bed as mum didn't want her to wake up just yet. She sat down with me and said that she had some very unfortunate news to tell me, so I automatically thought one of my grandparents had pasted away or something but she said that Kev had had a heart attack and died at 4:30 that morning and I swear I could have killed myself right then... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Hurt, Love, Lost, Lonely, Death, Grief, Best Friend, Heartache
Votes: 5

In loving memory of dad.


27 Jan, 2013 01:42 AM

When I was 14 weeks old, my mom left me. My dad took care of me and he's only one in my family that I've been so close to for so many years until I was 7 years old, he died in boat accident then my aunt decided to adopted me.. I was really depressed for 10 years. I was so heartbroken. I wanted to die so badly, I hurt/cut myself almost everyday. I was in big trouble everyday at school. I refuse to work too hard in school and I had bad grades. I wasn't myself at all because I was in deep depression. My family, friends, and staffs at school was very sick worried about me so they decided to sent me to mental hospital for few days. I wasn't happy at all, I don't like my life today. I wanted to go back to my old life.... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Love, Sad, Depression, Successful, Memories, Father, Sadness
Votes: 5

God's Love

Hans Jefferson P. Paglinawan

17 Jan, 2013 08:42 AM

Ben stood on the cliff. He stared at the cold water, splashing through the gentle moonlight. He taught " Maybe If I jump off, I would not feel all this pain. Maybe If I jump off I will be a just nothing and I would not feel anything." Tears fell on his cheeks. "My whole life, I felt like I am just a trash and just a waste that needs to be segregated. When I was born, I didn't even have the chance to meet my father. My mother told me that they were separated and that I cannot see my father. Every day, I envy all the kids which was saying the words "Papa". Even sometimes, when parents are invited to a program at our school, I envy my classmates saying "Which one will I choose Mommy, or Daddy." Second, my mother always expect me to be the top... [Read More]

Tags: God, Depression, Not Giving Up, Sadness, Moving On, Life
Votes: 3

This is life.


31 Dec, 2012 01:07 PM

Since the day I was born I have not seen a happy day in my life. I was always left out feeling alone, I didn't have the childhood I wanted or the life I wanted too, my home is being destroyed and we can't go back now, it's like life is punishing me for something I didn't do. Why am I so sad? why am I so lonely? I don't have anyone to talk to not even my mom listens to me, I talk to my paper and my pen .. they're the only ones that knows how I feel, no one loves me no one cares if I'm sick if I'm hurt if I'm crying, no one asks me how I am no one looks me in the eyes and says I love you, nobody cares at all, I always wake up in the morning wishing I wasn't alive... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Pain, Missing, Hurt, Alone, Unloved
Votes: 10

Friends Versus Girlfriend

Phylburt Fagestorm

30 Dec, 2012 12:26 PM

It was late at night and Isabella called and called Trevor but he does not answer. He just texted her that he was at a friend's. It's been a couple of weeks since Trevor start to become busy with his friends and the fact that he never have time to text or chat Bella made her feel insecure. One night, Bella cried so she texted Trevor, "Are we fighting?" but there's no reply "What did I do to u?" But still no reply.. So She called Him Trevor: Oh Sorry, Babe my phone is in silent Bella: where are you? Trevor: I'm at a friend's Bella: Again?! Trevor: Why? are you mad? Bella: Don't you know what it is now? Trevor: What? what do you mean? Bella: I'll go there, where's that house? Trevor: You can't go in here Babe!! Bella: Why Not?! Trevor: J--Just don't go! Then Trevor ended... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Death, Waiting, Sorrow, Alone, Friendship, Depressed, Cry, Tears, Hate, Guilt, Missing, Heartbroken
Votes: 8

Mason and I

Carter Mullins

28 Dec, 2012 10:00 AM

Mason Ledet was the guy everyone loved, dreamed about and I wont lie even I dreamed about him once, or twice. He was the guy who you walked up to just to smile at. We first met in 5th grade we didn't talk much but we were friends none the less. Mason Ledet was my friend and he felt like family to every one he met. Mason talked to me and I talked back. Then one day we went to middle school and we barley saw each other. Middle school was a new start for me trying to get out of my depression. It was time to start fresh then sadly in 8th grade the unspeakable happened. Mason his brother Paul, and his uncle and dad where on the news. At first I was like all right he is on the news so naturally I text him. I pause the... [Read More]

Tags: Death, True Story, Suicide, Sadness, Prayer, Love, Happiness
Votes: 1

Two years of lies


22 Dec, 2012 05:50 AM

It seems as if everybody is always happy around you, but you're the only person who seems to be depressed. I was the type of girl who didn't need anybody to reply on too. I didn't need anybody to make me happy. I didn't mind staying home by myself. As I became older and watched movies it seem to be that relationships were the key to happiness. All I wanted to do was feel loved. It seemed like all my friends were in love and happy. I understand that we're still young and have our whole life ahead of us, but when someone makes you feel wanted, it's one of the best feelings. I met a guy on MySpace, and corny as it sounds that was the thing back then. He said he saw me at school and I caught his eye. He's was a year older then me, and... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sadness, True Story, Cheater, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Depressed, Betrayed, Unloved, Pain
Votes: 28