Lost my Best Friend
21 Feb, 2013 11:53 PM
22/02/12 was the worst day of my life I had ever had, my mum woke me up in the morning to go for the usual walk we would at 5:30am every morning but she had this sad look on her face and look really worried when she looked at me. I thought I'd done something wrong and asked her what was wrong and she took me out to the back room so I was away from my sister who was still asleep in bed as mum didn't want her to wake up just yet. She sat down with me and said that she had some very unfortunate news to tell me, so I automatically thought one of my grandparents had pasted away or something but she said that Kev had had a heart attack and died at 4:30 that morning and I swear I could have killed myself right then and there.
Although I wasn't up for it. I went to school that day cause I wanted to be with my friends but that was a silly idea cause when I arrived at school one of my friends came and told me that Wendy Collins our school cleaner and my Care Group teacher had died the day before when she was cleaning the school in the afternoon. Two people that meant so much to me and they had to die one day apart and then to make matters worse three days after that my cousin died of survical cancer. Why do bad things always come in three's????
From as long as I can remember he had been like a uncle to me and I told him everything and went everywhere with him. I worked for hm from when I was 13 every Friday afternoon cleaning his school buses. Once we had finished work we would sit around the oack table and tell jokes, he would tell me stories from when he was a little boy and he would constantly ask me when I was going to get a boyfriend. The whole week I would be looking forward to going to work and then talking afterwards. I'd go on the bus runs with him some mornings and he would randomly start singing into the bus microphone and it was absolutely terrible but funny as all hell.
The day before he died he had been to the heart specialist and all his tests had come back clear and they said that he was a perfectly healthy man. Dad and I went down on the (21/02/12) that afternoon and sat and had a beer (well I had a soft drink as I was only 15) and we had a catch. As we were leaving he said to me that I better get a boyfriend quick smart cause he didn't think he would be around much longer, they were the last words he ever said to me. So it was understandable the shock I was in that morning when mum told me he had passed away.
I still work there to this day 22/02/13 a whole year since he has died, I woke this morning with so much pain in my chest and my dad new I would be extremely upset this morning so he came in and sat on my bed until I woke up just so he would be the first person to give me a hug, I spent about half an hour crying into his shoulder, that's what dads are great for. Kev's wife is now one of my closest elderly friends I continue to go down and visit her all the time and go to the farm with her so that she doesn't have to be alone, although it is really hard to go back to the places I always went with Kev. We are going out to tea tonight with Colleen and her family as it is Kev's daughters 37th birthday, an extremely unfortunate birthday present to receive (your father dying). So it has been a year to this day since he has gone and the hurt is still there, when will it ever leave, thinking I could have done something to help him but I know I couldn't have.
Kev I love you to bits and you will always be in my heart <3 Emily Jayne
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Post a Comment29 Dec, 2014 03:50 AM
Rlly vry vry sad stry...