Showing sad stories for tag "SAD"

True Sad Love Stroy


24 Sep, 2010 07:04 PM

Before I begin my story. I assure you it is 100% true. I write this story to share my experience in life and with love. I learned that if you do something behind your family's back you just end up hurting yourself.. When we first met I was 15, he was 17. It all started online. I know you might be thinking...tragic love I randomly started chatting with him because I was extremely bored and he himself was also very bored. For about a week we would chat for hours and hours. I found myself laughing in front of the computer screen at the stories he told me. The heart that seemed like it never lived seemed to suddenly start beating. I liked him. Living in a house with older brothers and sisters who were busy with their husbands, wives and jobs I always felt alone, like I wanted... [Read More]

Tags: Complicated, Love, Sad, True
Votes: 153

The last words with my brother


24 Nov, 2012 02:56 PM

It's been a while since I've experienced this. This happened in 2007, when I was Ten. My brother Chris was 18 at the time, and had lung cancer. He was growing weaker and weaker, he was coughing so much, and breathing was becoming hard for him. Very hard. On December 23rd 2007, 2 days before Christmas, I visited him in the Hospital. He was in the hospital because doctors expected him to pass very soon, and they didn't want him at home to die. Me and him acted very friendly towards each other. He acted like he had no cancer, and he was at home again. He laughed, he coughed, but suddenly he began to cry. He looked me right in the eye, and told me these words, the words that still haunt and make me cry to this day: "Rachel, I need you to know some things. No matter... [Read More]

Tags: Chris, Death, Sad, Cancer, Brother, Love, Missing, Memories, Sister, Sadness, Cry, Tears
Votes: 150

True But Sad Love


07 Feb, 2013 12:50 PM

It had been raining for more than a week, so much rain it made everyday seemed so restless and gloomy. She called and said she was coming up. It was the third time she came up to see me that week. I carried her excuse of why she came all the way here and went to meet her at the nearby seven-eleven. She was standing there alone, carrying her red umbrella. Her friend had dropped her off. It was raining and she was shivering. She looked weak and fragile in the harsh rain, wearing not enough to keep her warm. She said, "I miss you." I told her coldly, "Lets go, I'll take you home." She did not open up her umbrella, I knew she wanted to share mine. I said, "Open up your umbrella, let's go." Unwillingly, She opened up her umbrella and walked with me to the car.... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, True, Death, Separation, Cancer, Pain, Tears, Sad
Votes: 106

when they were 8 years old


05 Mar, 2019 04:53 AM

she met him when they were 8 years old. they soon became best friends. they talked nearly everyday. when they were 9 years old they started school together. everyone in the school knew they were friends. when they were 10 years old people started to tease and called them love birds. they didn't like it. when they were 11 years old the girl started to get feelings for him, but she ignored them and thought it was silly. when they were 12 years old the girl told the boy she liked him, but before he could respond she said it was a stupid prank. when they were 13 years old the boy started to get feelings for another girl in his grade, and she had feelings for him too. she was his first girlfriend, but the boy broke up with her shortly after. when they were 14 years old the... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Depressing, Sad, Stupid, Cancer, Suicide
Votes: 101

I am broken inside......

Felicia Fong

10 Apr, 2010 11:46 PM

Well, I am from Malaysia. I moved to Singapore just to get my education. At first, I did not agree with my parents on going to Singapore. However,I finally agreed when my parents said that if I go to Singapore, I will get higher chances to get into a good university(Ya, I am quite young then). Now, I really really regretted coming here. On my first day of school in Singapore, I felt very lonely. Nobody talks to me. I guess that they don't really want to talk to an international student. But, there is only one guy. Well, ok ok, a VERY cute guy talked to me. He was the first to talk to me although I am an international student. Since that day, my friends increased because of him. He introduced all his friends to me. Life starts to get better because of him. Every morning, he will... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Broken, Love, Lost
Votes: 95

That's my Dan !

Ashna Anne Philip

18 Oct, 2012 05:54 AM

That night he was here, that man who knew and understood me and yeah – loved me for who exactly I am ..Holding me tight , afraid that there was someone out in the dark waiting to take me away from him .. his lips were steady as he said "baby .. no matter what, I am always there for you , you know that?" "uh-uh" I replied confused. "And do you know that I have loved you so much more than what you’d ever imagined love is, and that it can neither be measured nor weighed?" "yes – I do know" I looked into his eyes, his eyes never leaving mine .. I knew there was something he wanted me know .. just my ears he did not want it to travel from my nerves to brain and ask him cross-questions .. I wanted to say him it was... [Read More]

Tags: True Love, Sad, Girl, Love, Breakup, Betrayal, Death, Sadness
Votes: 91

Forbidden Love


30 Jan, 2010 05:20 PM

I would tell him i love you over the phone when my parents weren't home. I would always hear the reply "I love you more". Just hearing his voice say that made me smile, no matter how many times I have heard it. If only we were allowed to be together. I hate how my parents were. They were racist and unreasonable, stuck in their ways. My mom would tell me that i don't know what love is at such a young age but she was wrong. I was in love with him. Whenever i saw him, i would smile. I couldn't help it. My heart would pound even after all those months we have been together, sneaking and lying to our parents just so we could be together. Yea, it sounds bad but it was the only way we could see each other. We texted each other from morning... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad, Forbidden, Death, True Love, Young Love
Votes: 88

Thanks For The Memories


21 Oct, 2011 02:04 PM

It was 8:oo pm as my father came in and said we were going out for a surprise. This was rare, after my mother passed away after she gave birth to me, my dad was always finding it hard to juggling with his work and looking after me, this is hard as i am dyslexic. My dad needs to get extra help for me as I'm starting high school I am 11. My father took my hand and escorted me to the car. This would be the last time i set foot in this car. It was getting dark and the rain was pelting on the car i sat back and looked out the window to figure out where we were going. I was in the passenger's seat and my dad was driving. It was so cold outside that the car windows started to freeze. We were coming out of... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Pain, Sad, Memories, Family
Votes: 76

The Day She Died


06 Aug, 2011 12:04 AM

IF YOU READ THE ENTIRE THING, I WILL GREATLY APPRECIATE IT! :) I would just like to first off say that this story is about me losing my step mom in April 2011 when I was and am currently 18 years old. Her name was Lisa and she was only 35. I had known her since I was 9 years old, which at this point is half of my life. I wanna say that she was so young and healthy, she was a typical girly girl who enjoyed reading gossip magazines, watching reality shows and sipping on fruity drinks. She was so hilarious and sarcastic and put a smile on my face every day. Whenever I was upset, she always knew what to say and how to handle the situation. I will miss her greatly. There's always that one thing you never hope to hear. I sure as hell thought... [Read More]

Tags: Loss, Death, Sad, Step Mom, Celebration, Life
Votes: 75

The Day When I Will See You Again

Faliha Ishma

07 Feb, 2013 09:29 AM

I had a best friend. He's a guy. We knew each other when we were still very young, about 2 years old. Well, our mothers were best friends. That's why I knew him, because our mothers were very close. I loved talking to him. He's like a big brother to me. I was always counting on him, on whatever. He treated me well. He encouraged me when I felt sad and devastated. He hugged me when I cried. He laughed with me when I felt happy. He fought with guys who made fun of me, or even made me cry. I just loved him so much. We did everything together. We played anything, we laughed at each other, we argued sometimes, but those arguments were just made our bonds even stronger. But, when we became teenagers, our feelings changed. Well, I still felt the same about him. But, I knew... [Read More]

Tags: Lost, Love, Lonely, Hurt, Sick, Best Friend, Death, Sad
Votes: 74