Showing sad stories for tag "Lonely"

Broken Dreams

Wilhuff Tarkin

20 Dec, 2017 08:27 AM

On the new Petition by Henry Walsh. I was one of the first 40 signatures, I advertised this petition on all social media I could from Facebook to Gab and YouTube to Twitter. Etc. I was surprised that while of course fans are divided on the Disney take of star wars, never did I think I would have my life threatened over the franchise. Henry Walsh also has been threatened, that people would hack his email, that they would attack him. I have been told I would suffer if I kept going through with this petition and kept posting it. In 1977 George Lucas strived to make a movie that nobody wanted to be a part of, it was difficult and he was told to change it and put all his money and time into it. He created history and made a huge change to cinema everywhere and the future... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Struggle, Story, Sad, Sad Story, Hate, Dreams, Dream, Love
Votes: 5

When Sadness Reaches Critical


07 Dec, 2011 04:28 PM

We started talking when he moved to our school. He was so sweet to her, they texted for hours and hours, everything was going good. She had told her friends about their love for each other, about how great everything was going. One day he came up to her. "Okay, I really like this girl, and I can't stop thinking about her," the girls heart started to pound and her palms started to sweat. All she could think was, 'this is me.' "Go on," she said, her cheeks hot. "And well, I want to be her boyfriend," he smiled. "And?" "She's so beautiful. I really like her.." "Who is it?!" "Renee, could you give me her number?" "Oh. Um, sure. I'll text it to you later." The girl ran to the bathroom and started to cry. Renee, her best friend had stolen him away. How could this happen. She stared... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Broken, Betrayal, Depression, Heartbroken, Hurt, Lost, Lonely, Love, Pain, Sadness, Secret, Death
Votes: 49

My collection of sadness.


30 Mar, 2016 06:24 PM

It’s time again to ponder about what zyan is feeling again. To be honest I’m holding back the tears that express how I’m feeling right now. I’m sad, depressed, lost, confused, and scared. This talk of cece and I breaking up and her moving on right away to some other person hurts. That’s how you know that your relationship is poor and going down hill. I’m hurting everyday because of this feeling. I don’t want this feeling. It hurts so much and I hold onto it like I’m holding a knife and pressing up against my skin waiting for the time until I crack down and decide to finally cut myself and bleed out. I want love and compassion from my partner and when it feels like you're the only one contributing to the relationship it hurts. You’re confused whether she’s interested in you still or not. There are many... [Read More]

Tags: Alone, Sad, Suicide, Suffering, Story, Secret, Hurt, Heartbroken, Hopeless
Votes: 8

I just never thought...


24 Oct, 2011 09:00 PM

Today is October 25, 2011. 55 days ago, I said "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." to this guy whom I loved so much with all my heart. Well, I had my heart broken with other guys before I met him, but when I fell for him, I was not afraid to take a chance again and faithfully hold on to the idea that everything will be alright. He somehow made my days so much brighter and for a month, everything went smoothly. Communication was there. Although we're not able to see each other everyday, we still send text messages to each other or sometimes talk to each other over the phone. And when we get the chance to see each other, every moment was the best. Full of sweetness and happiness and all that loving stuff. I loved him so dearly, and I can feel he does too. In short,... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Breakup, Hurt, Broken, Heart, Brokenhearted, Lonely, Grief, Relationship, Unloved
Votes: 29

Numb, Alive, and Falling


22 Mar, 2013 02:44 AM

When I was little, my mother told me that I was the happiest little girl in the world. Wrong. It was all wrong. I was always alone in this world. Never once have I've told to be myself. Sit up straight, be polite, talk to others when spoken to, don't stay up late, and what not. Rules, rules, rules, it's all I've ever known. Years pass by, and so many times we moved from state to state, house to house, and school to school. I was broken, shattered so many times that I'll never be that little girl again. All of a sudden I'm in high school. The years always dragged, but I find myself as a freshmen too soon. Seven years have passed since I realized that no one really cared for me. Seven years I was alone, pretending to be happy, pretending to be someone's friend. I've been... [Read More]

Tags: Love Hurts, Lonely, Tears, Pain, Regret, Real, True Love, Young Love, Shattered, First Love, Gone, Heartache, Hi
Votes: 9

Lost Love...


30 Sep, 2014 01:56 AM

Summer of 2004, I was 16 years old a sophomore in high school.. My friends called me and told me they would be going down to the beach for a bonfire and asked if i would like to join... Well i didn't have anything to do so i said sure lets go... Little did i know i would meet someone that day that would change my life for ever... His name was Andrew he was also a sophomore... Might as well state now that he was not my type, haha.. He was white/mexican, bald head, baggy clothes, and a weed smoker (Hey i was fun, but at that time i definitely had not experimented with any drugs), pretty much what people would call a "gangster" except he did not claim a set.. Andrew had shown up with some friends.. One of them was dating one of the friends i showed... [Read More]

Tags: Lost, Heartbreak, Sad, Lonely, True Love, Mistakes, Missing, Miss You, Love, Relationship, Broken, Heartbroken
Votes: 41

Love lingers Two years later


03 Mar, 2013 11:37 AM

It was a cold rainy night.. I met up with him the day after our huge argument. I parked outside his house as I usually did every night and as I opened my door he was already standing outside waiting for me. as soon as i opened the door he grabbed my hand and led me inside his room. We locked eyes and we both knew what was going to happen that very moment. He began to explain how disappointed he was in me and he's had enough. i was wrong, I knew I was. I pathetically began to weep and beg for forgiveness. He held my hand and told me it was best we were friends and as he's eyes got watery... He walked to the opposite side of the room and had his head in his hands and said, "I care about you so much.. Why is this... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, Sadness, Depressing, Love Story, Love Hurts, Life, Lies, Hope, Lonely, Sad, Breakup, Memories
Votes: 7

The Day When I Will See You Again

Faliha Ishma

07 Feb, 2013 09:29 AM

I had a best friend. He's a guy. We knew each other when we were still very young, about 2 years old. Well, our mothers were best friends. That's why I knew him, because our mothers were very close. I loved talking to him. He's like a big brother to me. I was always counting on him, on whatever. He treated me well. He encouraged me when I felt sad and devastated. He hugged me when I cried. He laughed with me when I felt happy. He fought with guys who made fun of me, or even made me cry. I just loved him so much. We did everything together. We played anything, we laughed at each other, we argued sometimes, but those arguments were just made our bonds even stronger. But, when we became teenagers, our feelings changed. Well, I still felt the same about him. But, I knew... [Read More]

Tags: Lost, Love, Lonely, Hurt, Sick, Best Friend, Death, Sad
Votes: 74

Do YOU Know The Truth?


26 May, 2015 06:09 PM

I have a story. But I don't want to write it as it opens a closed chapter of my life. it lasted for a very long time and is still on going. Therefore i have decided to write a true story about many people that has been bullied. I want people to understand what we/you have been through. A shrink does not know how we feel. A mental hospital does not know how we feel. Medication does not know how we feel. they say "It takes one to know one" that is what I believe is the mental hospital, the skrink, the medication we stuff down every day. I want the world to know how it is. I want them to actually cry over something they don't understand. I want them to cry over someone they don't know. I want them to cry because we are strong. Because we lived... [Read More]

Tags: Struggle, Sadness, Hope, Bullied, Teen, Hopeless, Help, Lost, Love, Lonely
Votes: -18

He Called Me His


02 Jun, 2010 09:53 AM

I was his and he was mine. In my mind, we were the perfect couple and i thought he felt the same way. He told me the sweetest things. He said I was the best thing that ever happened to him, he couldn't imagine life without me. He told me he doesn't know what he did to deserve someone like me. Life was great. We were inseparable...or so i thought. Months passed, and we grew more and more apart. He became distant, started flirting with other girls. Worst of all he started flirting with my best friend and to my misdemeanor she flirted right back. I read the texts, i saw them together. I saw how they looked at each other as if they had some dirty little secret. It broke my heart, tore me to shreds, and left me remains to decompose. In my mind, I believed I couldn't... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbreak, Sadness, Love, Breakup, Betrayal, Lonely, Angry, Rage, Tears, Move On
Votes: 9