Showing sad quotes for tag "Life"

Some People Will Hurt You, Some Will Help. But In The End Both Will Have Made You Stronger.

Every Thing Has A Purpose.
Funny thing is, if I were to die, you wouldn't care and neither would I.
you made my life, you have authrity to destroy it
- aryan
Submitted By: Aryan
Tags: Feelings, Love, Life, Lonely
I hate my life, and everybody thinks I'm happy. How foolish people are, wouldn't you agree?
Telling a depressed person to be happy is the same as telling a cancer patient to cure themselves.
"Dying isn't the most painful thing there is
No, that would be living
Living is the most painful and harmful thing there is"
Brighter the light, darker the shadow. No matter how hard we try to do good, the bad will always follow.
Tags: Truth, Light, Sorrow, Life
Its not death that tore us apart, its was our different definitions of life.
- Life
Submitted By: Shawna
Tags: Life, Breakup
there are many dumb ways to die. 
...There is only one dumb way to live: alone.
Tags: Lonely, Lost, Life, Sad, Alone
life is just not worth living if its all a lie to begin with....
Tags: Life, Lie, Begin