Showing sad quotes for tag "Hurt"

Love is like heaven but it can hurt like hell
Tags: Love, Hurt, Pain
you cant look straight into my eyes because you're afraid that i would know how much you love me... you are afraid to have me hurt, that is why you are thinking that avoiding me is the best thing to do....
- Aina Grace Mission
the saddest thing about loving is when you hold on to love too much, and he does nothing but letting you go....
- Aina Grace Mission
Submitted By: Aina Gracwe Mission
Tags: Let Go, Love, Hurt
i don't want to love anymore!!!1
to love that Ends.....with nothing!!!
and leaves..........
a heart bleeding!!!!!!
you make my heart bleed... but you will always be my greatest bliss....
- Aina Grace Mission
Submitted By: Aina Gracwe Mission
Tags: Love, Hurt, Bliss, Joy
if you don't want to get hurt................ don't even think that HE loves  you...... just the way you do
Tags: Love, Hurt, Pain
Love is too painful, when he already has someone else to love....
- Aina Grace Mission
Submitted By: Aina Gracwe Mission
Tags: Pain, Love, Hurt
it hurts to see some one else in your hurts to see your lips pressed against some one elses hurts to know that that you have eyes for some one else...
Tags: Emo, Pain, Hurt
love hurts...first its a beautiful bright red rose...then its a very black dead rose
Tags: Rose, Love, Hurt
sometimes there are people that don't care...people just want to say  lies...just like told me you love me...but u don' told me that u care...but you don't...I'm trying to hate you...but i still love you.....
Tags: Lies, Love, Hurt, Try, Hate, Care