As I hold the cold touch of death in my hands, I hear you say it. "I Love You" Lie. Smile, count to three, it will be over soon. Hold it to your head.
Pull the trigger...
Sit on the floor, phone in hand, awaiting a call that will never come. Close your eyes, feel the warmth of his hand, his lips on yours, your heart thumping with happiness. open your eyes, feel your cold, empty hand. And nothing but trembling lips. His words replay in your head "I Love You". Your eyes tear. His lies sting like acid rain in your heart. All you wanted was him. He's gone.
Tags: Love, Pain, Unloved
My love has my heart..
I have his..
By exchanging one to another we both live for each other...
This quote is for my love...i still love you..
Tags: Love
So much hate that fills my veins It powers my rage and Feeds my  grief I tremble and i cry,Im trapped in darkness and its tearing at my soul.
If u make a promise to the one you love... don't break it
cause the promise u broke may end the relationship and u will lose the special person 4ever
Tags: Love, Promise
?Its true that life is incomplete without relations, but 2 relations are never ingenuous ?.. 1- Life itself, 2- Friends?.
Letting go is not hard because you have to give him up. It is hard because you are so much a part of him that letting him go means giving yourself up.
Tags: Letting Go, Hurt, Love
if you really love HIM then you'd let him go and understand he's 20 you're 14, you will never be together... and he's in England you're in new york. let him be happy and be happy for him </3
- arisleyda lora
Nothing-not even sadness-lasts forever... but how can you make it stop if you've lost all that makes you strong in your life?
Tags: Sadness, Lost, Grief
Ah sorrow, I thought I was done with it for good about a year ago. but now I can tell its all just begun.
Tags: Sorrow, Pain