Showing sad poems for tag "Suicide"

Acid Tears & Crimson Blood

Gabrielle Dunnell

08 Feb, 2012 05:04 PM
I cry,
and it hurts,
like acid streaming down my face,
tattooing the trails,
ad they flow down my face,
and drip from my chin.

The knife stings,
as I slice deep into my arm,
I smile,
and the blood runs warm,
then I go numb.
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Tags: Suicide, Cutting, Lost, Hurt, Sad
Votes: 5

Acid Tears & Crimson Blood

Gabrielle Dunnell

08 Feb, 2012 04:57 PM
I cry,
and it hurts,
like acid streaming down my face,
tattooing the trails,
as they flow down my cheeks,
and drip from my chin.

The knife stings,
as i slice deep into my arm,
I smile,
and the blood runs warm,
then I go numb.
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Tags: Cutting, Suicide, Sad, Hurt, Death, Sadness
Votes: 6



05 Feb, 2012 01:28 PM
That's it.
I'm done.
Tired of the fighting.
The crying.
The screams.
The tears.
But most importantly, the fears.

I cry, cut ,scream.
Thoughts of those who caused this to happen.
Of those who force me to cover my arms.
To wipe away the blood.
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Tags: Suicide, Cutting, Emo, Tears, Sadness
Votes: 11

The End


05 Feb, 2012 01:21 PM
The knife upon which I so strongly hold.
The grave thoughts race as I was told.
Within so deep I wish to penetrate.
Feelings have come as I begin to shake.

The lives I've spent and taken away.
Will all be repaid in this mournful way.
These hands of mine grip oh so tight.
The closing eye see such a beautiful light.

Is it heaven upon which my name does sit?
Or does hell hold my soul in its deep dark pit?
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Tags: Suicide, Death, Sadness
Votes: 2

Because I'm not here

Alyssa Baughman

22 Dec, 2011 08:42 PM
Got my bullet,
Got my gun.
The equation is as easy,
As one plus one.

Load the chamber.
Cock the gun.
Now this is where,
It really gets fun.
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Tags: Suicide, Death, Unloved
Votes: 8

I promised you


11 Nov, 2011 05:09 PM
I promised you 
That I won't wake up tomorrow,
You will come and find my body laying in a pool of my own blood....
You touch my hand and find it's cold and dead

You remember that my hand was warm and welcoming, but now......
It's cold and in need

In my hand lies a razor.....
And a note saying
'I'm sorry I can't be there to hold hands with you......
I'm sorry we won't have our first kiss....
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Tags: Suicide, Depression, Regrets, Blood, Unloved
Votes: 30

Nobody is Dead.


01 Jun, 2012 12:44 AM
The old man lay down,
As if a possum playing dead
The grandfather clock rang,
But the old man did nothing.

Time seemed to ticked slowly,
As if nothing going on at all
Too caught up in life
The old man gazed at a faded picture.
It was of a woman that looked
So delicate she could break
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Tags: Sadness, Death, Alone, Depressed, Suicide
Votes: 4

how can it be


20 Oct, 2011 11:45 PM
how can it be
that you can't see me?
i stand before your non-seeing eyes
with blood on my wrists and begin to cry

i run to the comforting corner between the walls
i cannot take this hurt,these lies not at all

how can it be
that I'm on my own but still not free?
i stand alone in a crowd
but one day I'll be one with the clouds
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Tags: Pain, Hurt, Suicide
Votes: 1



03 Oct, 2011 07:56 AM
See the girl
Standing in the corner
No words, always quiet
A loner

No one to see
No friends to care
As she stands 
On the edge of despair

Her body screams no
Her heart pleads yes
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Tags: Sad, Suicide, Death, Unloved
Votes: 25

acid tears


28 Sep, 2011 11:35 PM
She sits on a stone
waterfall blending with her tears
slowly she gasps 
no air just water
teardrops engulfing her
silently the falls transform into a room
her tears to acid
melting her flesh burning her skin
she rejoices in the pain
she would rather be in pain dieing
than be in pain knowing more was coming
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Tags: Pain, Death, Tears, Suicide, Acid, Ghost
Votes: 13