22 Sep, 2011 03:46 AMHer body shifted The lights lifted she looked around hoping she had missed it. His cold gaze his rough hands making her wish for one last chance. Her clothes torn her eye bruised her belly swelling with a life to be born. Her hands circle her hands touch this new life inside her heart. She hides it rags over skin his hands only care about whats within. He gets suspicious she hides too much so he takes her to an Inn. There he gets her a confession is made his heart swells up his hands cave in. He starts to weep and pace around ideas fill his head some to bad to come out. She takes his hands on the bump they're placed " Its yours to keep, or its yours to take " Falling to his knees he pleads and begs forgiveness is all he will take. She pats his head her hands on his cheek she hold him tight ready to weep. A baby is born not knowing the past loving his fathers rough hands.
2 Post a Comment
Post a Comment07 Feb, 2015 01:31 PM
Thanks for good job! Please upload more...
22 Feb, 2015 10:51 AM
Hello, thanks for sharing pics! Like!