Wailing Souls

Lasaro J

09 Mar, 2014 04:53 AM
I want to cry, but am laughing instead
Cause my heart cries, but my face conceals it
I want to wail, but instead I gag in silence
Cause my heart screams, but my gut chokes it 
I hurt deep, but am all smiles
Cause as my heart bleeds, but the mind blots it out
I want to go, but I can’t
My heart won’t let me.

I want to cry and am crying for sure
Cause my heart cries and the tears sting my eyes
I want to wail and you can sure hear my pain
Cause my heart’s cries are silent howls
I hurt deep and it’s evident
Cause the bleeds of my heart can’t be nursed
I want to leave, but I still can’t
My heart still holds onto you, fast and secure.
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