I'll never return


03 Oct, 2013 12:47 AM
I'm sorry I hurt you
I loved you a lot
You're in every dream 
You're in every thought

I'll be gone 
in a few moments time
Leaving with the reality 
You'll never be mine

I can't let go
You were the love of my life
I can't count how many times
I've been on the edge of the knife

I hope you made 
The choice that was best 
Because you've left my heart 
In a jumbled up mess

As I think back
I can't believe it was all a lie
From the day I lost you
All I wanted to do was die

Never to hold you
Nor to make you laugh
There's no way 
I can put this in the past

I'm writing you now 
So you know how I feel
And I guess my feelings
We're just no big deal

You've scarred my heart
And some other things too
I can't cope with the pain
That's how much I miss you

And As I drive away 
And my eyes start to burn
Know this to be true
I'll never return
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