Before, you begin to read; I would like to tell you that this is based on a true story and that you should read it all the way through. I had a childhood friend. His name was 'Ben. Pittwater'. He was my friend, my neighbour, my child hood friend, my lover and soul mate. And I like to think that Ben loved me as much as I loved him. Thinking back, the first time I saw Ben was when I was 9 years old. Even though he had a luxurious living style, he was the only child and his parents were usually at work and returned at around 1PM. I sometimes saw him and after that, I let out the courage to say “Hi” to the member of the famous, rich Pittwater family. I still remember the moment he looked up after scratching the dirt then smiling at me with... [Read More]
Tags: True Story, Child Abuse, Childhood, Death, Sadness, Despair, Alone, Foreve, Lost, LonelineI had a best friend. He's a guy. We knew each other when we were still very young, about 2 years old. Well, our mothers were best friends. That's why I knew him, because our mothers were very close. I loved talking to him. He's like a big brother to me. I was always counting on him, on whatever. He treated me well. He encouraged me when I felt sad and devastated. He hugged me when I cried. He laughed with me when I felt happy. He fought with guys who made fun of me, or even made me cry. I just loved him so much. We did everything together. We played anything, we laughed at each other, we argued sometimes, but those arguments were just made our bonds even stronger. But, when we became teenagers, our feelings changed. Well, I still felt the same about him. But, I knew... [Read More]
Tags: Lost, Love, Lonely, Hurt, Sick, Best Friend, Death, SadLife isn't too easy when the people you’re so used to having around, the people who you think cared about you, the people who you could trust no longer has your back. I know many have felt this way too so this is my story. Regina and Bert are not their real names. Gabe and Cat are real names in this story. Everything started in 8th grade. I had friends who I thought had my back for a long time. Friends that of course I could invite to parties and sleepovers. I had a liking for a new guy named Gabe. He was on TV once and that was to come to where I lived in 7th grade. I didn’t even notice him until 8th grade when certain people went to a DC trip. I was reading Maximum Ride at the time and like many other fan girls, I was... [Read More]
Tags: Alone, Friendship, Best Friend, Betrayal, Heartbroken, Sad, UnlovedOkay, so I had a best friend, like we all do, right? The one that you think will never leave you, will always be there when you need them, be like your rock, right? Well, this is what mine and Lucy's friendship was like. She was my world, my sister, my rock. Until I lost her last year.. We were friends all our lives, from the age of six months, when we met in hospital. I had complications with my birth and she had lung problems. I was bullied majorly in primary school and secondary school, up to this day still. And so was she, but she was bulled for something that she couldn't change, it wasn't her two mothers faults for being lesbian, was it? They were the best mothers I had ever met! Last year, on January the 13th, was the most horrible day of my entire life.... [Read More]
Tags: Suicide, Best Friend, Depression, DeathI've always had a good life. My parents are together, I have a big family and lots of friends, and I never had a rainy day. The worst that happened to me was when we had to move for my dad's job. We moved practically every two years. My friends weren't close enough to me for me to miss them terribly until i started high school. My first class was full of people i knew. There were also many i didn't know. By the end of the semester most everyone in that class was on my good side. It was one of those days when the class goes to the computer lab to work and you're able to choose where you sit. There was one guy i didn't know. We'll call him Sam. I decided to sit with him. People say eyes are the windows to the soul. The first... [Read More]
Tags: Love, Best Friend, Death, Suicide, Loss, TragedyI remember the very reason I started to talk to you. It was to get this guy mad and angry with me in high school. We were in grade 10 and you just transfered to our school 2 months back. I remember the way you were awkward about me starting a conversation with you just out of the blue. I remember nether of us knew just how much that first conversation will truly impact both of our futures. I remember a month after we started to talk me and my girlfriend at that time broke up and I turned to you to talk to about it. Admittedly I had a crush on you for a little while. You were just a mystery to me. You showed alot of emotion yet kept something locked away that I wanted to explore. I didn't take any steps to you till grade 11 because... [Read More]
Tags: Broken, Broken Heart, Love Hurts, Best Friend, SorryI wish you could see how i really feel on the inside, instead of believing all the lies that I?ve been telling you, not only you, actually everyone, including myself... Why can?t you see how I feel? Don?t you get it? I wish I just could tell you the truth, how I really feel about you. I don?t want to hide it anymore or pretend that those feelings for you aren?t there. But I feel that you?re lying about something, or at least not telling me the whole truth. We are best friends, and you?re the only one that I can truly be myself with. But I feel like we are growing apart. You don?t talk to me as much as you used to. You don?t touch me or cuddle with me as much as you used to. Everything has changed now. Now, it seems like you don?t even want... [Read More]
Tags: Best Friend, Love, Sad, Angry, ConfusedDo you ever fear that you are going to lose someone close to you? Do you ever think that you might not see someone ever again? Well, I didn't. It was the summer after sixth grade. My hometown had just opened a new swimming pool and everyone loved it. Now, I can’t go there anymore without seeing her sleeping on one of the chairs, or dipping her feet in the water. The her I’m talking about was my best friend Erin. We had started hanging out at the beginning of the sixth grade when we were put in a group for a school thing together. After that, we were inseparable. We were always at each other's houses, or going to the pool when it was warm enough. And about half way through summer vacation she stayed a full week at my house. Nothing seemed wrong. A few days after she... [Read More]
Tags: True Story, Best Friend, Loss, Sad, Death, Cancer, Memories, Tears, SadnessPicture this.. Two young kids in elementary school, one boy and one girl. Both age of 7, after knowing each other for 6 years. They've made it to middle school in the grade of 8th. They finally seem to tell each other their feelings for each other and it's official that they are a couple. They say, "A relationship is a friendship set on fire." That was Charlie and Sammie. He was most definitely everything to her. They started out so amazing, but there is always someone who tries there very best to ruin the relationship. To give this meaning a twist this person who ruins their relationship was in fact Sammie's very own BEST friend Holly. Scandalous, right?! To resume back to the story, Holly is the conflict. The months went by and the relationship was going great, considering it's their friendship Sammie & Charlie put on the line.... [Read More]
Tags: Depressing, Shocking, Love, First Love, Best Friend, Bestfriend, AnonymousSo this is my story it is 100% true and I hope you guys read it through. Sorry if it is a little long! So January of 2011 I was in 8th grade and I wanted to get on the soccer team in high school so I started playing club soccer so I could get on the team in high school. Soon I was on Laguna Nigel soccer club at the time I never would have guess what this team would do to me and how it would change me live forever. So the first few months were good I got to know the girls and I thought they were all really nice and really good at soccer, we did ok in the first season I think we got 2nd in it. So I started to become best friends with all of the girls they became like my second family... [Read More]
Tags: Death, Leukemia, Best Friend, Girlfriend, True Story, Love, Sad