
Katlego Mabale

30 Aug, 2010 02:15 PM

" I love you Micheal" I told him over the phone " yeah sure Katz, whatever, got to go now" he told me " Alryt love see..." Before I had even finished my last sentence he hung up. My heart was just drowning in mud, I just could not look at my friends, who were waiting to hear what Micheal had said to me. " what did he say" Judy asked me " Well..he said he misses me and He just can not wait till I come back home" I lied to them, and deep inside I knew I myself was hurting.I could not sit any longer with my friends, I had to go away from them, I just could not take the pain and I knew that anytime I would burst out into tears and that would cause too much trouble. I just made the lamest excuse of having... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Heartbroken, Unloved
Votes: 34

Suicide story


12 Jul, 2018 06:16 AM

Imagine if you were standing there on the edge, imagine if you were lying there your arms soaked in your own blood or imagine if all the light in your life vanished and you were consumed by darkness. My life seemed normal to others, I was a 14-year-old boy who went to school and that was all they knew about me, but it’s not like they ever care as it’s the people in school that made me feel this way. I had one best friend and his name was Noah. Society tells you you’re not good enough that you are too ugly and that you don’t belong. However, society changes when you are dead, they suddenly care and act like they were a beneficial part of your life. But why should I care? I’ll be dead anyway. My family moved to another country when I turned 12 years old. I... [Read More]

Tags: Suicide, Depression
Votes: 33

Broken Hearted

Alaina Lester

09 Aug, 2012 09:51 PM

I met you on Halloween night. We had never talked before, but at that moment we talked forever. While walking down the hallways you would grab me and give me a hug, in the library you would tease me about being a nerd. A week had passed and you had asked me out and I said yes and my feelings kept growing and growing. No matter how I felt, you would help me. A month together and it felt like forever. You would hold my hand and be proud to call me your girl. We spent everyday of those first two months together, then we broke up. We stayed friends and talked forever and ever on the phone. You had gotten a new girl and it broke my heart. We stopped talking because of her. I got a new guy to see if the pain would fade. It never did.... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbroken, Betrayal, Sad, Cut, Girl, Broken, Lost, Depressed, Rape
Votes: 33

Middle school sucks


11 Dec, 2016 05:42 AM

So i guess I'll start this off by saying I've never really liked myself. My while life I've put myself down and called myself names. I felt worthless. I think i was born with depression, or maybe it just developed at an early age. I started selfharming at the age of five. I felt really angry and sad all the time and selfharming destracted me from those feeling and even helped me feel better. Im not saying to selfharm, its a awful thing and i hope i never get caught up in it again. Theres a couple reasons as to why i was depressed. For one, i felt like my dad was dissapointed because he wanted a son. He would always say things like "its ok for you to be soft because your a girl". Hes really sexist and i felt like he didnt expect anything out of me or... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Suicide, Middleschool
Votes: 31



28 Oct, 2016 05:17 AM

This is well... a story of myself i usually do myself as a dragon cause thats how i escape... i mix my fantasy into my real life... but this time... im not going to... Most of this started back when i was admitted at the hospital, recently diagnosed with extreme depression and severe social anxiety. May 20, 2016 i was brought into emergency for self harm. After a few hours of waiting the doctor took us to the psych ward... or "psych emerg" security guards nearby as well, they were friendly yes very friendly. Another few hours pass and its clear im going to be staying here so im all excited thinking that its all going to be a joy ride. I have my phone so what could go wrong, the only one who kept me sane in that small room was my boyfriend we dont live in the same... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Suffering, Sadness, Crying, Self Harm, Breakup, True Story, True Love
Votes: 31



17 Apr, 2011 01:37 PM

Life is a fragile thing. Love is one word in a vast sea of voice, and things that are spoken are not always the truth. Emotion seems to be the only thing real anymore. Please not that the story i am about to tell you is in all seriousness true. Every aspect that occurs in this story has happened to a young lady by the name of Willow Elizabeth Mitchell. Willow needs someone to hear her story. She has been hiding it from the world for so long that she could not take it anymore, and Lover Of Sadness is the perfect place for her to share it. Be warned, if you do not enjoy stories of lost love and accidents that bring even the strongest to their knees, stop reading right now. If you chose to continue, believe every word i say, for some of it is happening right... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Emotion, Depression, Emo, Pain, Heartbroken
Votes: 31

Best Friends(kind of long)

Brenna Marie

08 Mar, 2010 07:09 PM

We had been friends since we were young, and I never forgot that day that I met him. We where 5 and we were both looking for frogs. I was young but I liked him. Almost everyday we went to look for frogs. Until one day he didn't come. I went two days later he didn't come that day either. Years pass, and it was the first day of High School, we do roll call and I hear a name that sounds so familiar, then I here that person calling out, "here". He is right behind me, I turn around, and there is that boy from when we are young. He sees me too and his eyes get wide and we just stare and smile at each other for hours it seems. A few weeks later we go out, and weeks together turns into months, and months turns into years... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Lost, Apart
Votes: 31

My first love...Or I guess


13 Sep, 2018 01:15 PM

It all started in tenth grade when I was just 13 and my 14th birthday was yet to come. You were a part of my new class. I remembered you were in my class in 6th as well but I never felt anything back then but when I met you in 9th again, I felt something different... Something I felt for the first time in my life... LOVE. I had to get you to like me... I started talking to you more and trying to be likable. We even spoke together in the school event which was held in like 26 days from my 14th birthday. I loved your company even more from then. I knew from then that it wasn't infatuation like adults say about kids being in love. You felt different. We became best friends. I knew better than anyone in this world. You would come to me... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad Love Story, Broken Heart
Votes: 30

Not so sad

Clary Barns

08 Nov, 2016 11:20 PM

Another day, Another waist of my time. My mom is going on and on about how she and her boyfriend are fighting. Again. I lean back and yawn, stretching my arms out. I'm tired, I haven't gotten much sleep these past few days, cause all I hear is my mother yelling at her boyfriend. I get up and walk away, she is too busy talking to notice. My name is Amber,I am small, and have long black hair and ugly green eyes. I am 17 and live in Woodboorn, Virginia. You might not have heard of it, it's is infact a extremely small town. I am the nobody at my school. You know those cliche cliques, yeah well we have those. The popular, the nerds, the goths, the stoners and then there is me, the nobody who is friends with another nobody.I can already tell you think this story is... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Death, Cancer, Oldage, Sad, Teenlove
Votes: 30

Fake Smile and a Heartbeat


20 Jul, 2016 11:26 AM

So, it's currently 1.13PM and I'm on my bed, typing this story because I have no one to talk to. I'm Gwen, people call me that and I think that's a beautiful name. I have issues with my family for I know that I am a failure in front of their eyes. Earlier I had a misunderstanding with my dad, just because he saw me and judged that I'm not being productive at the moment but he's wrong, I'm always productive but they just wont see it. My mom, my mom who always scold me for being a stupid daughter which is (I think) true. I'm stupid for being a daughter who actually have a lot of things going on inside her head. I haven't told them I'm bisexual because I wouldn't know if they would appreciate my own sexuality. I'm just seriously too depressed, I have no one to... [Read More]

Tags: Depression, Fake, Hurt, Family, Lonely, Loneliness
Votes: 30