Sad Quotes

This page holds the collection of many sad quotes written by many people. These in turn will let you discover sadness. However the sole purpose of these sad quotes is not to make you feel pain but only to get you over it. These sad quotes hopefully will give you courage to fight and overcome the pain..

Sad Love Quotes

Sad love quotes are the quotes that describes love’s sad moment. Moments like death, missing or breakup these are the elements of sad love quotes. And in love there is always some sad moments. Which may always be very hard for you to describe but yet the feeling is there. But when you go through the Sad Love Quotes you will find out that your feeling is already described by others, if not take a step and try to describe your inner feelings and help others.

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I'm waiting for something I'll never find...
Tags: Lost, Missing, Unloved
If someone you love hurts you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
- Unknown
Submitted By: Bony Yousuf
Tags: Breakup, Hurt, Let Go, Recover
I hide my tears when i say your name,
But the pain in my heart is still the same...
Although I smile and seem carefree,
There is no one who misses you more than me...
Tags: Pain, Heart, Missing
If i had to choose between loving you and breathing, then i would use my last breath to say I love you..
Tags: Love, Breath
~ Behind my smile is a hurting heart.  Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart.  Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am...isn't me.
Tags: Lost
Real tears are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face, but those that fall from the heart and cover the soul.
Tags: Tears, Cry
Why is it so easy for people to walk into my life, Break my heart, And then act like nothing happened?
Tags: Sad Love
A broken heart is like a broken mirror, better to leave it alone, rather than hurting yourself trying fix it. :'(
Tags: Broken, Hurt
I love Someone Who Will Never Be mine....!
Tags: Unloved