dezzyyy's Profile

Name: dezzyyy
Joining Date: 21 Sep, 2011 04:31 AM
About Me:
Total Submission: 3
Total Comments: 4


Total 4 Comments
woow this is creepy
if u need to talk im here at
if u need to talk im here at OR
girl, i know it's hard to forget about a guy like that... trust me i know, but god has mysterious ways... you may think that your in love with him but if its ended, then it wasn't meant to be. trust me, there are plenty of other guys that you'll date and you'll think that they are perfect, but they aren't if Grant really loved you then he would have broken ALL rules that are in the way of loving you. you may think I'm crazy, stupid or that i don't what i am talking about but i do. i


Total Submissions: 3
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