Everyone is searching for love all the time
Yet love is like mist hovering in the humid sky
Tags: Love, Lost Love
Now i see you cant trust anyone they end up hurting you at the end and who ends up aching
Why is life worth living if there us nothing to do here im just a waste of time and space
Tags: Suicide
I would say I'm ok 
but I'm done 
Instead I will say 
I can't lie no more for 
this is the truth
Tags: Broken, Truth
"If someone is bullying you, stand up because you're strong,
Just be you, because it starts with you"
Tags: Love, Life, Believe, Beauty
Dont look on the mirror and make a mad face ......... Hello your still living so keep it up
I have always been alone in the darkness and sad but at the same time, it feels comforting and peaceful in the darkness but I cannot Explain it with words.
Tags: Darkness
If they talk behind your back it stays behind your back
- Elizabeth Enriquez
Submitted By: Elizabeth Lopez
Tags: Moving On
Just remember, when someone walks out of your life, it’s not the end of your story. It’s the end of their part in your story.
- Irfu
Submitted By: Innocent Irfu
Tags: Left, Alone, Hurt, Move On
I wonder how the darkness makes you feel less alone...
Tags: Sad, Darkness, Alone