"Trip over love, and you can get back up. Fall over love, and you fall forever."
Tags: Love
A a
B boy
C can
D do 
E everything
F for
G girls
H hearts
Tags: Mosty
"oh how i wish to be the one, the one who could hold your hand, the one who could hold you tight, the one who could kiss you goodnight, the one who could love you, the one who i could share my life with."
- cy
Submitted By: anonymous
Tags: Wish, Love, You, I
"you're like a star, only for my eyes to see, never for my hands to hold."
I fight not to win, but to end it all
Tags: Saddness
The shortest word I know is "I".
the sweetest word I know is "love",
and the one I'll never forget is "you".
Tags: Love,
Loving you is like breathing.
How can I stop?
Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.
Tags: Dream
You know finding a needle in a haystack is so hard to find, and the same goes to finding your true love in this planet earth........but i am so lucky i have found my needle in the haystack.........
At times when i think of the people i have loved and lost, i hurt, cry and get mad and yes at times i get an ulcer or migrain.