Cassie's Profile

Name: Cassie
Joining Date: 09 Mar, 2010 10:55 AM
About Me:
Total Submission: 19
Total Comments: 10


Total 10 Comments
awwh this is sad.. and sweet!! the end is sweet! (:
lol!!! yayy! keep in touch! lol =) yea.. i hope your true one comes very soon! i will be sooo happy for you girl!! =) i luvya girlie!! =) lol hehe!! wow!! WE ROCK!! lol luvyas girle!! =)
awwh!! your welcome gurlie! your wayy sweeter lol!! i hope for the best and tell me when you find your true one ok! lets keep in touch through this chatting thingy... lol :) luvya gurl! =)
awwh!! thank you girl! your to sweet! i hope that you will find your love to.. i have faith in you girl! =) awwh! dont cry.. youll make me cry.. but i hope you find a love so strong to! =)
yea i started dating zac :) i love himm sooo much.. he wrote me a poem and i cried it was soo sweet.. he told me he wanted to be with me forvever..and he wanted to marry me and have kids :) awhhh!!