Unbroken Spell

A. David

29 Jun, 2011 10:56 AM
Tortured, beaten, harmed and scared,
She still believed he really cared,
Bleeding, weeping innocent tears,
She?s forced to lie through all her fears
She dreams a dream of a broken spell,
Where he won?t threaten she?ll go to hell
He holds her, he hurts her until she can?t breathe,
She thinks no-one cares, that no-one will grieve
She knows he is poison, but there?s a part in her mind,
Where she remembers him loving her, acting so kind
So many decisions, to go or to stay,
But to her this is nothing, just another day

But there?s someone who wants her,
Someone who loves her
Who?d hold her close and wipe those tears,
Abandon all her horrid fears,
If she only realized, that person?s so close
Then she?d escape her beating, her daily dose,
But that person is scared, selfish yet hurt,
They think she won?t want them,
She?ll believe they are dirt
So the beatings go on
And the torture gets worse
What will fate have to deal with this terrible curse?

But yet all along, in my little mind,
I'm as tortured as you are, you must be blind,
To not see how I love you, see how I care,
How I long to be with you, stroking your hair,
to look into your eyes, realize they?re real
my happiness reveals that magical feel
but this pain is unbearable, I feel I cant cope
I cant help my actions, i can't help but hope
Over someone I loved, who never quite knew
And now it?s too late, but I?ll always love you
Tags: Love, Unloved, Hurt, Beaten
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leomatze says:
22 Jul, 2011 03:47 AM

Liffna , is that you who wrote this words? . I still love you dear. But we won't meet again. Don't cheat your husband like you cheated me. My prayers are with you and your family.

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David Montalvo says:
01 Jan, 2012 05:18 PM

I like this one.

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