Before, you begin to read; I would like to tell you that this is based on a true story and that you should read it all the way through. I had a childhood friend. His name was 'Ben. Pittwater'. He was my friend, my neighbour, my child hood friend, my lover and soul mate. And I like to think that Ben loved me as much as I loved him. Thinking back, the first time I saw Ben was when I was 9 years old. Even though he had a luxurious living style, he was the only child and his parents were usually at work and returned at around 1PM. I sometimes saw him and after that, I let out the courage to say “Hi” to the member of the famous, rich Pittwater family. I still remember the moment he looked up after scratching the dirt then smiling at me with... [Read More]
Tags: True Story, Child Abuse, Childhood, Death, Sadness, Despair, Alone, Foreve, Lost, Loneline"--so perfect! The kiss accompanied by the fireworks, it was so beautiful and--" "I know, now can you please shut up? Someone's trying to study here," "Fine. I'm going out, do you need anything?" "No," Anne sighed as soon as her roommate left their room. Then suddenly, she broke, tears were streaming down her face and she couldn't stop them. "Why? Why?" She was there that night. She was there when they sealed their fates with a kiss. Normally, she wouldn't believe superstitious such as 'the person you shared a kiss with during THAT night will be the person you'll spend eternity with' but that happened to her parents and her other relatives. It was childish to say 'she was supposed to be the one holding hands with Zeke, she should have been the one who shared that kiss with Zeke' she should have been Zeke's best friend, scratch that,... [Read More]
Tags: Sad, Lost, Life, Death, Tears, Kiss, Sick, Love, Unloved, Unspoken Love, Cancer, Cry10th grade.... As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and I handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. 11th grade........ The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she... [Read More]
Tags: Regret, Sad, Love, Unspoken LoveNothing is worse than the loss of a friend. David was a sweeter boy than anyone would ever understand. From my light of my first love to the depths of heart break he was there for me, lifting me up and keeping me in check. His friendship lifted me when the depths of sadness chilled my heart, weighing it down in the most painful ways. I loved David with a love unconventional. I was 15 when I understood it and he was already in college. I didn't lust for him; I loved him more deeply than I ever will a significant other, but for different reasons. I loved David for his beautiful smile, his laughter. I loved when he lifted me onto his shoulders at fireworks and took me to the beach in the hot summers. I loved that he held me when I cried and laughed with me when... [Read More]
Tags: Death, True Story, Best Friend, Love, Grief, Sad, Unspoken Love, Sadness'Whenever you need me whenever you want me you know you can call me, ill be there shortly' my cellphone blared Roll Up- Wiz Khalifa. Muttering over being woken up before 12 on a Saturday I answered the phone. It was my friend Josh asking me to crash a sophomore party with him later that night. Having recently broken up with my girlfriend after she cheated on me with my Australian Rugby billet in my house I was heartbroken and tired but reluctantly agreed. We arrived at this girl's party to see her parents giving everyone who approached the house the snake eye. Working our way towards the backyard we saw 16 year old guys with their shirts off and girls drinking and talks in groups. I was talking to my friend about how lame things were until somebody tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and started into... [Read More]
Tags: Heartbroken, Love, Sad, True Love, Seperation, Hurt, Pain, Depressed, Unloved, Unspoken LoveI sit next to you at lunch, my best friend, and enjoy every second of our time together. When you leave us, I have no reason to stay and socialize with the others in our group. I sit at home, waiting excitedly to get a text back from you, not caring how long it takes you to reply. When you don’t, I shrug and wait anticipatingly for the next time we talk. I go on facebook, coming to your profile. When I see your picture, I think of how lucky I am to call you my friend. I think about you as my mind wanders. When I think about our friendship, I realize my feelings for you. I curse myself for falling for my best friend. When I see you again, however, I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I talk to you about our plans. When we come up... [Read More]
Tags: Love, Heartbreak, Best Friend, Wedding, Sadness, Not Fair, Death, Unspoken LoveI could never tell how much I loved him.......... It has been almost 3 years now ..... I still have not been able to tell him how much I have loved and still love him. Now it is coming to an end, he will move in two months .... 2009 during the autumn the year I started studying at university, that's when everything started. I saw him in the school cafe he passed by me with his tea in his hand. I stopped and watched him constantly, in seconds and I felt that he will be the guy I will love for the rest of my life, I felt that my heart was going to stop, it was like love at first sight ..... The days weeks and months passed, one day when me and my friends were over a coffee in a cafe, I saw him come in and... [Read More]
Tags: Unspoken Love, Sad, Silent Pain, Suffering, Hurt, SadnessThe hardest thing on being a lesbian for me is not that I wouldn't be accepted among my peers or my society. But when I'm in love with my own best friend. My religious yet spoiled friend. Whom I used to hate because she annoyed me very much, so in order to keep her away, I terrorize her into fearing me. But then she reached out to me, became my best friend, and now I love her. She knew I was gay, but she wasn't afraid of me because she believed, I wouldn't take advantage of my own friend, and so, I wouldn't love my own friend. But then I realized I was lying, I loved her very much. I realized how much I loved when we were at the last year of high school. I tried my best to keep her by my side, to spend the last time... [Read More]
Tags: Love, Teen, Self Harm, Lesbian, Unspoken Love, Sad, SufferingSo, it was some 9 years ago, when I went abroad. I was only 10. It was for a family wedding, my relatives lived there. I made really good friends with my dads distant cousin. She was so nice, and we always had a laugh! One day we were out, and her older brother walked past, he was 2 years older than me. I talked to him and after that we became such good friends, he always made me laugh, bearing in mind we were only young, he'd accompany me in the weirdest of adventures! The holiday lasted for 2 months, but in that short time, I felt a attraction to this boy, without actually knowing it. It didn't occur to me that in some distant way he was related to my dad. We were such good friends, but the time came when I had to come back to England.... [Read More]
Tags: Love, Forbidden, Sad, History, Endless, Unspoken Love, Separation, Missing, Memories, DistanceYou wanna know what I find funny? How the guy will always get the girl, but the girl never gets the guy. And I'm just another one of these cases. I know that my story is not the worst, but to me it feels like the worst thing I could imagine. I am a young girl, with curly dark brown hair, long legs, a chest, and a tummy. I know that I'm nothing special, but I never used to mind that. I had friends that were all skinnier and prettier than me, but I met him before I met them. We were the terrible two, always causing trouble, always sneaking away from the other groups, always just goofing off and having fun. And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with him. Most people think that there's a set age when you can fall in love, but that isn't... [Read More]
Tags: Love, Superhero, Unloved, Ignored, Unspoken Love, Heartbreak, Sad