Showing sad stories for tag "unloved"

The fate of my love


13 Feb, 2012 11:46 PM

I was a very happening person in my college days. I used to live my life to the fullest. Being a Gemini I have a versatile nature. When I joined my degree college, me and my school friend joined a dance troop to get some extra pocket money. I met her there.... At first we were dead enemies, we literally used to envy each other. After few months, with couple of performances in and outside the city, we got to know each other. We were made partners for some couple performances.. Then we became friends. Slowly we started talking to each other more often. We exchanged our no's and started chatting at late nights. She was staying alone as her parents had settled in another city. She used to miss her parents a lot and the homely food. I then sometimes took food from home in vessels for her without... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Heartbreak, Unforgiven, Missing
Votes: 10

My true love that stopped loving me...


27 Sep, 2011 06:23 PM

I once met a girl that i truly loved... i did everything she said... i was basically her little doggy... i was madly in love with her... she made me laugh... she made me cry... but i knew in my heart she was the one... It all started when i first moved schools leaving my old life behind... i moved to an unknown school i never heard of or a place i wasn't familiar with... one day in P.E. i saw this girl talking to her friend.. she had purple hair... she was funny and seemed like the social type... i was the shy type and didn't know what to say to her... the same day i saw her at lunch and i wanted to talk to her but didn't know what to say... then a week passes and i ask a boy who knows her is she is with... [Read More]

Tags: Breakup, Unloved, Pain
Votes: 10

I can't let go


21 Jul, 2011 11:22 PM

We were too young for loves I thought, I never really thought about boys until Jay attends my church he came in with his big brown eyes that could make any girl tremble. We were only 8 years old and it was summer where we would have a program for our church and he happen to come too, I never really noticed him, to me he was cocky and a show off he tried to impress me with running really fast and showing me how athletic he was but he noticed that I wasn't impressed. At the same time he realized I was athletic as well so we competed against each other sometimes we were on the same team. As years went on I started to see how immature he was becoming until I heard him sing it was like heaven on earth as if I was falling in love... [Read More]

Tags: Unloved, Heartbroken
Votes: 10

She was Amber


24 Feb, 2015 08:01 PM

I met her one September night on a fairly popular dating site. She messaged me out of nowhere and we struck up a conversation. I don't know what it was about her, but she instantly had my full attention. We talked all night. At least 6 hours of delightful conversation. I was hooked. We met in person that morning. She was wonderful. Beautiful, funny, intelligent... everything I could have hoped for. Almost instantly we were inseparable. We never spent more than a day apart from the first moment. We spent many wonderful days in that fashion. She, meeting me right as I left work. Having breakfast together. Exploring our shared interests, learning the things we had in common, just enjoying the company of one another. In less than a month she was spending more time at my home than hers. I could not have been happier. One day, while we... [Read More]

Tags: Unloved, Missing
Votes: 9

I can't spell us without u</3


23 Oct, 2012 02:05 AM

Why? Why did he just completely avoid me the whole day? I sat in my room deep in thought. Maybe he just needed time with his guy friends, or maybe-. Tears began to run down my pale skin before I could finish. Who am I kidding? We've been dating for five months, he's probably going to break up with me. I woke up the next morning shaking. Today was the day he was leaving me and I can't even think of a thing I did to make him end things. *Time Skip; At School* I walked into school as pain pierced my heart like a blade. There he was talking to some random girl. Is she why he's breaking up with me? He turned and saw me and walked over to where I stood. "Hey Melanie," he smiled at me making me want to scream knowing he was playing me.... [Read More]

Tags: Cheater, Love, Bullying, Depression, Unloved, Betrayal, Sad, Girl
Votes: 9


liz maya

16 Jul, 2012 10:24 AM

I'm not sure I will be able to write this story the way I would want to, I mean it's very difficult to include all the details but just read it and your comments will be very helpful. But one thing remains, so many things have happened, I'm so sad and I need to talk to someone. I keep asking myself the same question, why do we have faith that makes us fight for the things we'll never have?? ...Everything kept getting worse, I tried to have faith and to be positive, but I failed. First, there was my first love, and he was sweet and nice and texting me and calling me all the time, but it turned out he was just trying to be friends. Too late... I was already in love. I was so hurt so in order to get over him, I started dating this guy... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Deppressed, Unloved
Votes: 9

My Love is gone...


16 Oct, 2012 11:06 PM

My story is not different than other girls.. The girl is falling in love as the guy is not interested by her. Well i will tell you my story.... : First i have to say i'm Canadian and my love is Scottish. I'm 14 and he's 18. His name is Calum. When i first met him on a game i was kinda depressed because i thought no one loved me and i was having problems in my family. We started to talk every day, we couldn't get a day without talking to each others. It was true love (for me). We hang out together for over 3 months. I never had been that happy of my life. Even my parents had noticed that something had changed. He was my everything and we were always writing love note for each others. When i started to do poems in English for him... [Read More]

Tags: Heartbreak, Hurt, Memories, Breakup, Unloved
Votes: 9

Greater Love, Greater Pain

Christian Fire

13 Jan, 2012 05:31 PM

My story starts back at December 2008 when I was in 9th grade. I was out with some friends when one of my friends called 3 girls from his class (2 of them I already knew) and said to come hang with us. I didn't knew the 3rd person (I only knew her by face) and the other friend usually opens his mouth about anything and he said: "Hey did you know that she has a boyfriend?" Deep in me I felt a little disappointed, then i said to myself "What do I care." Then she came with the 2 girls I already knew and so we met. After awhile we started hanging out, we talked a lot and one day she asked for my Skype. And so we were chatting every day, up until late and little by little I was starting to like her(she was still with her... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Unloved, Heartbroken
Votes: 9

Bestfriends </3


02 Oct, 2011 10:56 PM

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening.. I was looking for sad stories so I could relate to them.. But after seeing how sad others' stories was.. I just couldn't stop crying.. Thank you guys and girls.. You opened my eyes.. The story I'm about to tell is true.. Believe it or not.. Once upon a time.. There was a college student studying in MCU.. He wasn't the most popular student.. Nor was he the most intelligent.. He was just like any other student.. He was friendly, religious, loyal and a class-clown.. He had a bestfriend who was still in High School.. They've been friends for two years.. The girl was very pretty, at least, that's how he saw her.. Whenever they we're together, they we're inseparable.. If you didn't know them, you'd think that they we're a couple.. The guy was in love with this girl ever since they met.. But he didn't have... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Death, Unloved
Votes: 9

Blossom flower yet thorny


01 Oct, 2011 10:39 AM

I am a woman who could not barely accept defeat nor shows my real emotions. When i was young, i molded as everything's okay even it is not though i understand i am not the only one who felt this way. I felt that the only one who appreciate me is my father. That's why they called me "father's princess" but the rest they don't like me. Maybe because I'm lazy doing household chores. But that's not i think the reason why, because i find it very unreasonable. However, this kind of thinking motivates me to strive hard and keep things possible and reachable but this motivation i built makes my self disorganize because of a young love. It started when I went to college. The house i rented was Coed. 3 men and 5 ladies including the worker and rest of us went to same university. It all started... [Read More]

Tags: Grace, Breakup, Unloved
Votes: 9