Showing sad stories for tag "deppressed"


liz maya

16 Jul, 2012 10:24 AM

I'm not sure I will be able to write this story the way I would want to, I mean it's very difficult to include all the details but just read it and your comments will be very helpful. But one thing remains, so many things have happened, I'm so sad and I need to talk to someone. I keep asking myself the same question, why do we have faith that makes us fight for the things we'll never have?? ...Everything kept getting worse, I tried to have faith and to be positive, but I failed. First, there was my first love, and he was sweet and nice and texting me and calling me all the time, but it turned out he was just trying to be friends. Too late... I was already in love. I was so hurt so in order to get over him, I started dating this guy... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Deppressed, Unloved
Votes: 9