Showing sad stories for tag "death"

I Wish...


11 Dec, 2011 07:28 PM

Jami's Diary 8th Grade Year I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Today I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole 8th grade class ,and the world. Jenny was her name, when i asked she spoke like an angel. I wish I could tell her how I feel... 12th Grade Year (Prom) I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Me and Jenny talked today. She really loves her boyfriend. They broke up and I had to comfort her after prom. She told me i was the best friend on the planet. I wish I could tell her how I feel... College Sophomore Year I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Jenny has grown even more beautiful if that's even possible. I saw her at a party with Derek. My heart sank, she was happy as ever. We... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Missing, Death, Heartbroken
Votes: 599

I Waited


11 Sep, 2011 12:10 AM

His name was Ian. He was 23, and I was 19. I was a sophomore in college just moving into my new apartment when I saw him. He made a habit of smoking on his balcony, which I didn't mind because I knew someday I was going to have enough courage to talk to him. I was so shy. One day I bought a pack of cigarettes, and started smoking, in hopes that he would talk to me- which soon after, he did. Everyday after that I stood outside his balcony to talk to him. I'm a decently shy person when it comes to men. I'm not awkward, but I'm often referred to as being quiet with an angel face. About 2 weeks into our balcony talks, he turns to go in his house, but before he could I stopped him and surprised myself when I asked,"When can I ask... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Waiting, Death, Sadness, Accident, True Love
Votes: 202

Sleepless Nights

Frankie Julbe

01 Jun, 2011 06:25 PM

Sleepless Nights 12:45 in the morning, I cant take anymore, but I have to, I have to see you. My shift is coming close to its end, "Penelope" called the nurse. There you were escaping the shadows of darkness that room behold of you,. The light touch her exquisite features, long dark hair past her shoulders and fragrance of ocean breeze, lips as red and flawless as a bloom rose, eyes so captivating that shocks all my senses, you are flawless in every way imaginable, you are my burning desire, my endless love, and yet the most beautiful and good hearted suffers a mental disorder. I've only started to work in this psychiatric ward for 2 months and these months will rain forever more happiness then, than in my lifetime. Penelope was suffering from Schizophrenia and I was just a staff there. It was December 20 the day I met... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Suicide, Tragic Romance, Death, Romance, Tragic
Votes: 194

Aiden My Angel


18 Jul, 2012 12:43 AM

This story is not based on fiction or fantasy, but a story of true and beautiful love. A love that was full of life and color, that was never dull or quiet. A love that was truly one of a kind. We had a beautiful beginning and a wonderful middle sadly however we never got our happily ever after... Aiden and I first met in our Freshmen year of High school in our English class, lets say it wasn't exactly love at first sight. In fact we practically hated one another, we were constantly at each others throats and we were both too stubborn and hot headed to get past this strange wall of anger that had been built between us. Towards the middle of Freshmen year we had finally reached talking terms, and by the end of it we were hanging out everyday at lunch and almost every other... [Read More]

Tags: Love, My Angel, Missing, Death
Votes: 170

Crying Alone in Darkness

Jessica. Catafura

14 Mar, 2016 01:01 PM

Before, you begin to read; I would like to tell you that this is based on a true story and that you should read it all the way through. I had a childhood friend. His name was 'Ben. Pittwater'. He was my friend, my neighbour, my child hood friend, my lover and soul mate. And I like to think that Ben loved me as much as I loved him. Thinking back, the first time I saw Ben was when I was 9 years old. Even though he had a luxurious living style, he was the only child and his parents were usually at work and returned at around 1PM. I sometimes saw him and after that, I let out the courage to say “Hi” to the member of the famous, rich Pittwater family. I still remember the moment he looked up after scratching the dirt then smiling at me with... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Child Abuse, Childhood, Death, Sadness, Despair, Alone, Foreve, Lost, Loneline
Votes: 151

The last words with my brother


24 Nov, 2012 02:56 PM

It's been a while since I've experienced this. This happened in 2007, when I was Ten. My brother Chris was 18 at the time, and had lung cancer. He was growing weaker and weaker, he was coughing so much, and breathing was becoming hard for him. Very hard. On December 23rd 2007, 2 days before Christmas, I visited him in the Hospital. He was in the hospital because doctors expected him to pass very soon, and they didn't want him at home to die. Me and him acted very friendly towards each other. He acted like he had no cancer, and he was at home again. He laughed, he coughed, but suddenly he began to cry. He looked me right in the eye, and told me these words, the words that still haunt and make me cry to this day: "Rachel, I need you to know some things. No matter... [Read More]

Tags: Chris, Death, Sad, Cancer, Brother, Love, Missing, Memories, Sister, Sadness, Cry, Tears
Votes: 150

Please wake up.


27 May, 2012 11:09 PM

It was a Tuesday, the day it happened. The day I made the biggest mistake of my life. It happened when me and my beloved wife Olivia got into an argument and even threw around the word divorce. Which now breaks my heart from all we had been through of a 16 year relationship, a 11 year marriage, and having an 8 year old beautiful daughter named Sarah. When I first met Olivia it was love at first sight and from there on out we were never apart. So now thinking about this fight brings me to tears. Sarah who had been listening to the whole fight and couldn't bare to hear it especially after hearing the word divorce made her start bursting into tears in her room. Once I had enough of the argument I barged out and just before I slammed the door shut I heard my daughter... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Heartbreak, Suicide, Pain, Depression, Death, Sadness
Votes: 137

The Black Jacket

Synroplang Garod

22 Sep, 2011 12:20 PM

This is a true story which was told by a friend of mine who was 5 years older to me. He said that it happened in the year 2005 when i was still in class 10. He told me his friend whose name is Gareth was very happy with his girl friend Lisa. They would always spent time after class in a golf field near by. Every day Gareth would tell him new things about what they did, how they spend their day. He told told him he was in love with her and wanted to tell her when the time was right. He kept on waiting for the right time but, never got the opportunity to tell her. By the time he gathered enough courage it was too late, a letter came from the university he applied for long time back and he had to leave the next day.... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Love
Votes: 122

Even the Strongest Walls Break

Shaun Hunter

05 Feb, 2015 04:26 AM

First off I have to apologize for any mistakes throughout my story. Typing while crying is really something. Especially with my mind buzzing every second. Nonetheless, I will attempt to share my story. Although I cannot express how I really feel, as there are no words in the human language that can describe my pain, I will share the journey I never once regretted and never will. My purpose of writing this is mainly to get this off my chest although I doubt I will see much of a result. I suppose I should stop stalling and start; It's very painful to recall these memories. How shall I put this? I'll start off from the very beginning. My name is Shaun. I have lived in many places: Australia, England, the US... so naturally, I must leave friends behind. Why did I move so much? Well, my parents' jobs required us... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Death, Pain
Votes: 118

True But Sad Love


07 Feb, 2013 12:50 PM

It had been raining for more than a week, so much rain it made everyday seemed so restless and gloomy. She called and said she was coming up. It was the third time she came up to see me that week. I carried her excuse of why she came all the way here and went to meet her at the nearby seven-eleven. She was standing there alone, carrying her red umbrella. Her friend had dropped her off. It was raining and she was shivering. She looked weak and fragile in the harsh rain, wearing not enough to keep her warm. She said, "I miss you." I told her coldly, "Lets go, I'll take you home." She did not open up her umbrella, I knew she wanted to share mine. I said, "Open up your umbrella, let's go." Unwillingly, She opened up her umbrella and walked with me to the car.... [Read More]

Tags: Sad Love, True, Death, Separation, Cancer, Pain, Tears, Sad
Votes: 106