Showing sad stories for tag "broken heart"

im sorry


23 Apr, 2015 07:49 PM

I was 15 and he was 16.. when I first met him I didn't realise what he was to me, he loved me from the moment he met me but we both didn't like to get close to people because we were afraid of getting hurt. I was meeting one of my friends and we saw him on a bench and my friend knew him, she said hello and she introduced us (his name was Tim), I saw him at school but I didn't pay much attention. I wasn't really interested but she invited him to come meet other friends with us because he had been ditched. A few weeks later I saw him again and I said hello and I started to say hello to him in school. We started to text each over and we would text eachover every second of everyday but still.. I didn't love him,... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Sad
Votes: 0

I wish I did

Samantha Gaudia

04 Mar, 2015 07:42 AM

My story started when I was at my junior year of my high school and everyday I would seat right at the end of the corner of our classroom and read a book. My family was always gone at night so I was practically always alone well I had a sister but she's always out (Which I didn't mind), I was always the shy and quiet one and had few friends. My life change when I was seated next to a new student in our class, he's name was Jared for me he was good-looking and really kind and after all we spent time with I suddenly fell in love with him. We kept talking,messing around in the class and always have a movie night together and for a minute I always thought it would stay like this but I was so WORNG. One of my friend who I hangout... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Love, Loneliness, Depression, Lost, Broken Heart
Votes: 1

Lost Love...


30 Sep, 2014 01:56 AM

Summer of 2004, I was 16 years old a sophomore in high school.. My friends called me and told me they would be going down to the beach for a bonfire and asked if i would like to join... Well i didn't have anything to do so i said sure lets go... Little did i know i would meet someone that day that would change my life for ever... His name was Andrew he was also a sophomore... Might as well state now that he was not my type, haha.. He was white/mexican, bald head, baggy clothes, and a weed smoker (Hey i was fun, but at that time i definitely had not experimented with any drugs), pretty much what people would call a "gangster" except he did not claim a set.. Andrew had shown up with some friends.. One of them was dating one of the friends i showed... [Read More]

Tags: Lost, Heartbreak, Sad, Lonely, True Love, Mistakes, Missing, Miss You, Love, Relationship, Broken, Heartbroken
Votes: 41

The 6 year story......


26 Sep, 2014 12:02 AM

I was a tender 21, she was a strong 26... I fell in love the moment i met her.. She had an amazing sense of humor, a carefree heart, and not to mention she was stunning.. I still remember the first time i met her 6 years ago in September... She picked me up and we went on a date to Target, little did i know that she would change my life for ever.. i remember feeling butterflies as the time to see her got nearer, She picked me up and i clearly remember her telling me I was so much more beautiful in person.. Oh yes i forgot to mention we met online.. We went to Target to buy her dogs food and treats, then she took me over to her house, I met her family, we played with her dogs and grabbed something to eat after.. I remember... [Read More]

Tags: Love, Sad, Heartbreak, Heartbroken, Promise, Break Up, Tears, Pain, Relationship, Lesbian, Gay, Happiness, First
Votes: 10

I Remember

Diana Kotyuha

24 Jun, 2013 05:27 AM

I remember the day I first met you. I remember the first word you said to me. I remember it all, but I bet you don’t remember. I remember the conversation we once had about doughnuts. I even remember the first time you said I love you. But I also remember how we fell apart. We had been together almost 5 months. It was the first day of school but it was also the day my heart died. I woke up feeling happy making sure to send you a good morning text and to remind you how much I love and care for you. Getting on the bus to find a seat was ok. I got to the school slowly feeling the dread of last year’s demons coming back. Me getting called fat and ugly while wishing and hoping for someone to hold me to help me fight my demons... [Read More]

Tags: Sad, Lost, Regret, Painful, Unfaithfulness, Cheating, Unloved, Broken Heart, Death, Hurt, Betrayal, Tears, Memor
Votes: 13

He Promised Forever


22 May, 2013 02:43 AM

Hi, my name is Cecilia, and like any average 17 year old girl, I longed for a prince charming to come and sweep me up my feet and have a happy ending. Ever since I was little, fairytale stories has always been a big part of my life; it gave me hope that one day, I'll be like one of those princesses, but as I grew older, I realized that fairy tales are never going to happen to me because I'm 16 and I still haven't seen my prince charming yet (yes, this is very silly of me, I know). Then, it all began during the summer, because I am anti-social out in the real world, I couldn't possibly find my prince charming out there. I was too afraid to show my true self to society, afraid that people will make fun of me, so I decided to forget about... [Read More]

Tags: Broken Heart, Broken Promises, Lies, Betrayal, Breakup, Sad, Hurt, Heartbroken, Sadness
Votes: 35

My Best Love Story

Wolfe Bane

07 May, 2013 02:15 AM

There's this girl who went through the worst breakup of her time. She loved him a lot, and he left her after 4 months because he thought he couldn't make her happy. It wasn't that, it was because she was having problems at school, home, and herself in general. She was heartbroken. She wouldn't eat, she was failing in school, and was always so down. Then, she met a friend over her summer break. He was funny, nice and sweet. She talked her problems out with him and he comforted her and made her feel better. He showed her he really cared and she loved that. He could tell when she was laughing, crying, just about anything because he knew her so well. That's how much he paid attention to her. She always wanted someone like that, who could tell those things without even looking at her. He's the only... [Read More]

Tags: Sadness, Suffering, Suicide, True Story, True Love, Forever, Love Story, Sorry, Broken Heart, Memories
Votes: 15



02 May, 2013 02:45 AM

It was 2011. I was in 8th grade and I had just left a dreadful summer. The bell rang and school was out. Now going to sonic after school was a cool thing to do and so I did it. I saw you sitting there. Wondering if you noticed me or even recognized me from summer. We sat there. As awkward as two people can be. Had a few chuckles here and there. Then we exchanged numbers and went on our way. Starting that day I had a new texting buddy. You were such an amazing texter. Keeping our conversation going and bringing life to them. We started hanging out at the Amphitheater and slowly I grew onto you like a vine twisting and hooking it's self to a rail or wall. Now I didn't have any intentions on letting you become the biggest thing in my life but you... [Read More]

Tags: Broken, Stupidity, Unloved, Hurt, Memories, Sad, Broken Heart, Sadness
Votes: 3



22 Apr, 2013 01:59 PM

To start from the beginning is a understatement. My sad story starts from a young age and continues with me until now. My family always wanted the best for me, so you could say, their rules and restrictions were for my own benefit. I grew up in a religious family and was taught that education was my primary focus in life, So I attended a religious all girls school. I was taught that there were no such things as 'guy' friends, and they only wanted one thing, etc. I was shielded. I had two elder brothers that monitored my every move, even as they attended the all boys school neighboring mine. My short time in the girls school was a breeze, I was focused and determined, but that would all change eventually. Senior school was upon me now, but their was a change, my school would now be integrated as... [Read More]

Tags: True Story, Sad, Love, Family, Memories, Broken Heart, Sadness, Tears
Votes: 7

One-Sided Love is on the Cliff


10 Feb, 2013 05:27 AM

This story is about a teenage girl... To tell you the truth, it's about me. My story about my painful, brokenhearted, crushed love. People say I'm young and all but no matter what age, I believe we have the right to love someone. ___________________________________________________ It's been 3 years... 3 years of loving him. But in the middle of the 3 years, a knife stabbed my heart. He got a girlfriend... The thing is he knew I liked him, he never said anything. How am I suppose to know if I'm suppose to give up? When I heard he got a girlfriend, I didn't know what to do. I didn't feel anything, I was numb, too shocked to do anything. That night, I thought of killing myself, I knew it was stupid yet I still thought of it. I cried and cried, I kept thinking and thinking. He was happy and... [Read More]

Tags: Painful, One Sided Crush, Love, Broken, Broken Heart, Hurt, Crush, One Sided, Hope, Crushed, Giving Up
Votes: -17