Anika. My best friend. My BFF! What she did could be forgotten but not easily. She betrayed me and everything I stand for. I don't understand, what did I do?? Did I hurt her somehow so she felt the need to do what she did?? I don't understand... It was about two years ago that I met Anika. We became instant friends. Similar taste in music, similar opinions, similar style and just similarity in everything, but we never got bored of each other. We told each other everything, even super gross stuff that we did. I trusted her with my life, I think she felt the same. One day, at our hell hole of a school, we notice something immediately. A new kid. HE was gorgeous. We looked at each other and ran over to him introducing ourselves. His name was Travis, he also had similar music taste as us... [Read More]
Tags: Heartbreak, Betrayal, Bestfriend, SuicidePicture this.. Two young kids in elementary school, one boy and one girl. Both age of 7, after knowing each other for 6 years. They've made it to middle school in the grade of 8th. They finally seem to tell each other their feelings for each other and it's official that they are a couple. They say, "A relationship is a friendship set on fire." That was Charlie and Sammie. He was most definitely everything to her. They started out so amazing, but there is always someone who tries there very best to ruin the relationship. To give this meaning a twist this person who ruins their relationship was in fact Sammie's very own BEST friend Holly. Scandalous, right?! To resume back to the story, Holly is the conflict. The months went by and the relationship was going great, considering it's their friendship Sammie & Charlie put on the line.... [Read More]
Tags: Depressing, Shocking, Love, First Love, Best Friend, Bestfriend, AnonymousOkay, my story starts when I was in 5th grade (now I'm in 11th) anyway, I made lots of new friends, which I was in resource. Though I made great friends and still have them. My first day of school I was terrified! I mean it was scary for me, I literally was crying. well anyway me and this girl became friends, her name was April. She became my best friend. She was funny, cool and a little crazy. April was the best friend I could ever ask for. She was a year older than me but we were in the same grade, we were in all the same classes all the way up to 9th and even then we had a few classes together. We always hung out and always acted crazy in the halls:) we acted like we owned the we weren't popular, but we did have... [Read More]
Tags: Bestfriend, Friendship, Sisters, Death, Pain, Hurt, Comfort, Rape, Sad, Girl, SadnessSometimes, time doesn't give you "times", its just once. Now, close your eyes. Imagine your closest bestfriends, remember all of your bitter sweet moments, remember the first time you broken hearted, the first time you kissed, when you said 'i love you' to someone, when you said 'goodbye', when you said 'sorry' and 'thank you'. Now, let me tell ya something, all those moments not all of it could have happened again. Learn to appreciate everything you have or had. I had a bestfriend at elementary school, she's like my own sister. We shared everything like kiss and tell, she know the worst part of me, so was i. But by time everything start changing. Go to middle school, find new friends, and moving always be the hardest part. And i moved to another province, left her. Sometimes, i missed her. But, by then i get used to live my... [Read More]
Tags: Cancer, Bestfriend, Regret, Sorry, Sad, Memories, Motivation, GodSo I was dating this guy. I thought we were really in love. I guess it was because I guess I was out of his league and I knew anything I did he wouldn't breakup with me. So one day I found out he asked some other chick for a naked picture. I broke up with him of course but the same week I lost my best friend. My best friend that I was with since 6th grade. I don't have many friends that I'm close to. This girl was with me through everything she was like my sister. But after this guy broke my heart I was done with everything so my best friend slipped through my fingers and I could care less. But after a week I start to feel lost. alone. empty. I had nobody Of corse I wasnt allowed to date so I couldnt talk to... [Read More]
Tags: Leaveing, Boyfriend, Bestfriend, Sorrow, Alone, EmptynessMy memory is a blur so some may not make sence however this is all a true story and one of my many regrets. The day we met. 3 girls, bestfriends. Lets call them A B and C. A was my lady she was adoreable and B was her bestfriend, could call them sisters. C was the weirdo of the group who we would always run away from just to get away from but nobody could split the 3 apart. As time started to fly by i started to get to know C and she grew on me. We started as just talking and then she became my theropist when me and A was having our downfalls. Me and A split up after a while but was still good friends, The whole school knew C had a thing for me even i knew however i never let myself slip because... [Read More]
Tags: Love, Heart Break, Girlfriend, Bestfriend, True Story, Sad Story, SadWhen I was young, like when I was in 5th grade, I met this kid, but i cant say his name so lets call him Bob, named Bob. He was funny, nice and loyal. He was awesome even for a 5th grader. Now he would always hang out with me with all of my friends and we would always have loads of fun. He was small, i was small, and we were known for that except i was a bit taller :D. We would have a bunch of fun memories like having dares, like for example, I dared him to push down a bunch of chairs and say, "Aw nards!" and he did. He got in trouble but got off the hook. He came back saying, "You owe me 5 bucks!" Then this one week, around March, Bob and my friends were hiding something...something really bad... I don't know Spanish... [Read More]
Tags: Bestfriend, Tears, True Story, Friendship, Buddies, Sadness, Emotional