Showing sad quotes for tag "pain"

While walking down the street, I heard an old lady saying, " I've been in love with the same man for almost 50 years.."

I was touched but then she whispered,

" I wish he knew..."
It's so hard to watch some one you love...                                                  loving somebody else
- Me
Submitted By: Samantha Brozny
Tags: Sad, Unloved, Pain
my life is here 
my love is there
Tags: Love, Life, Missing, Pain, Sad
"Your words don't hurt me. Because I've heard worst..."
You broke my heart.
I tried to put it back together, 
but it just fell apart.
All I know is it used to be a work of art.
The first person who teach you  
The meaning of the werb "love" 
Will also be 
The first person who teaches you the 
Meaning of the "pain"
Tags: Lost, Love, Sad, Pain, Hurt
I have no more trust, since you have already destroyed it more than once.
There would be no guy who could touch my heart again, since you have taken my heart with you
... when you left me behind..
I close my eyes;because I might see your face.....
I close my mouth;because I might say your name.....
I close my ears;because I might hear your voice.....
But i couldn't close my heart;because I'll be all        
"I feel like I have fallen and cant get up, I loved you and you left, now I've got this pain in my chest, 
I'm stuck in this hurt and the only way out is by putting myself underneath the dirt."