Showing sad quotes for tag "love"

I don't even know what I want anymore. Is it love? Is it friendship? I honestly don't know myself anymore... I've just been through too much.
"You started leaving, I started living".
- #UMS
Submitted By: Dandelion
Tags: Love, Hurt, MoveOn, Alone, Hearbroken, Let Go
I am thinking of you to the extent that I came up with the conclusion that I am, officially, missing you.
You can discover the true love of your wife only in the days of hunger.
- Vikrant Parsai
Submitted By: Vikrant
Tags: Love, Trust
Loving you was not a mistake, beacuase it made me who I am, 
Losing you was a mistake
As it took away everything I ever had
Love makes a girl,
Heartbreak makes a woman
Tags: Heartbroken, Love, Sad
Loving you the way I did made me realize that the only way to forget you was to kill you, but, I can't kill someone I cared for so much.
The only time I realized I fell in love with you was the only moment I found out that you had already belonged to someone else.
"sometimes you just need to cry and that's okay. Tears are a way you're eyes express how hurt you are when you're mouth can't possibly put it into words."
Love is a joke...but you choose whether to make happiness or sadness of the joke .
Does the joke make you laugh or cry?
Is the joke offensive or fun-nny?
- anna
Submitted By: areyanna777
Tags: Joke, Love, Laugh, Cry, Offensive, Funny, Sadness