Showing sad quotes for tag "Sadness"

It’s sad when someone can walk right by you and pretend you were never a big part of their life.
Tears are words too painful for
a broken heart to speak.
I could say I was hurt, but it wouldn't be true. However this knife in my back reminds me of you.
The true evidence of a broken heart, is the feeling of despair when we are apart
- SolemnFootsteps
Submitted By: Solemnfootsteps
Tags: Hurt, Love, Sadness, Heartbreak
I don't want you in my life,I need you in my life..!!
I don't like you, I love you..!!
Your just not my love, Your my Life..!!
I'm glad to have you, as i was absolutely lost without you....!!!!!
Too often, behind that smile of mine, I hide a thousand tears
Every memory repeats, every step I take retreats, every journey always brings me back to you.
When you took your love away, you forgot to take what was still in my heart.
... True Love isn't easy....., but it must be fought for...!! Because once you find it it can never be replaced...!!!!
Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am... isn't me.