Showing sad quotes for tag "Hurt"

I will do so much for love, but it will do so little for me
Tags: Sad, Love, Unloved, Hurt
It Hurts The Most ,
When Sum1 Who Made You Feel Special Yesterday ,
They Makes You Feel Like ,
U R The Most Unwanted Person Today...!!!
Why does cupid never grow up? 
....It symbolized that love never grows old. 
Why does he throw arrows to the heart? 
To remind .... love hurts...
It's not love if you don't cry;
It's not love if you haven't hated them at some time and it's surely not love if you don't feel to die at some point in time.
Tags: Death, Cry, Time, Sad, Hurt
Every hurt,tear,heartbreak,fear,lost hope,even the love you could never share can become a life lesson if you look beyond the front cover...........
I'm sad because u do not love me anymore....
I'm sad because u do not smile at me anymore....
But what kills me is, seeing u smiling and in love with someone else!
Why is it that years after the trust is gone, the heart remains full of love?
Tags: Breakup, Lonely, Hurt
How can I move on, when I'm still in love with you. I've tried but no one is like you and the way you loved me is hard to replace and all the memories over the years are hard to forget.
"I opened up and let you in..... but now I know that was the biggest mistake of my life.........
.. because you just left me like I was never there"
I hate hearing something that kills me inside and yet i have to look like i don't care
Tags: Hurt, Pain